USM Vire Sport’Ime Section Grows with More Members and Expanded Activities

“The club has found its rhythm and is entering its 2nd year of operation with more members.” The president, Cyril Kerouanton is repeating the experience at the start of the next school year. “We’re continuing to register! » A positive and encouraging assessment for the section from USM Vire (Calvados). “With the other sections, the partnerships have been well received. This year we have practiced circus, orienteering, badminton, golf, table tennis, fencing, archery and climbing.”

At a rate of €50 per year, the Sport’Ime section offers three trials to discover a range of sporting activities. Leisure, health, pleasure, all profiles are welcome! “Anyone who wants to come and discover a leisure sport without any constraints or simply get back to sport or resume an activity following an operation can meet us. Once members have tried an activity they like, they can take out a license and flourish in the club of their choice. »

For the start of the school year, Cyril Kerouanton announced other activities such as diving, sailing, kayaking and horse riding.

Sport’Name, tel : 06 30 73 15 90.

2024-06-28 15:43:29
#SportIme #start #school #year #Vire #Normandie #sport #choose #Sport


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