Vanessa Martin Aims for Gold at European Judo Championships

the essentials World Champion for 8 months, Vanessa Martin has just landed in Bosnia-Herzegovina where the European Judo Championships are taking place. Never titled on the Old Continent, she has no intention of returning to L’Isle-Jourdain without the golden charm.

Crowned veteran judo world champion last November, Vanessa Martin is setting off to conquer the Old Continent today. Arriving this Thursday in Bosnia-Herzegovina, it is the first time that the Lisloise will compete in the European championships: “I have never done a European championship. I was more in search of a world title than a European one. “, she laughs.

Eight months after winning gold in Abu Dhabi, she arrived in Sarajevo with one goal: “We’re going to war, we’re going to try to get the most beautiful medal,” proclaims the mother of three children. In her category of – 57 kg (40-45 years old), she is today facing at least one German and one Finn before perhaps being grouped with another category: “We will know at the last moment”, indicates she said.

“I know I can’t disappoint my little ones at the club”

Slightly impaired by a capricious shoulder, she knows that her mentality will be the key to success this Saturday during the individual competition or tomorrow in the mixed team competition in which she has been selected. Recently on Bosnian soil, she feels a particular emulation around this competition: “Frankly there is a very good atmosphere and the gymnasium is very beautiful. We also feel the support of the France group”, recognizes the judo teacher.

In this competition of 800 judokas, the L’Isle-Jourdain Judo club was not only represented by Vanessa. Richard Roux and Thierry Meersman competed on Thursday. Unfortunately, they both fell in their first fight. Stéphane Abecassis was unable to take part in the trip after a major knee injury, as was Olivier Finkelstein, who was kept in France for professional reasons.

The last Gers representative, all the hopes of her club rest on Vanessa: “I know that I cannot disappoint my little ones from JKCL. I will fight to bring back the title and create emulation at the club”, says the Lisloise before going up on the tatami.

2024-06-07 18:32:09
#Judo #Gersoise #Vanessa #Martin #takes #Europe #Sarajevo #conquering #world


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