VfB Stuttgart AG finalizes second part of Porsche investment; Fan backlash leads to potential removal of club officials

According to kicker information, the general meeting of VfB Stuttgart 1893 AG finalized the second part of Porsche AG’s investment this Thursday. This means that the outstanding 21 million euros should soon be paid out.

The Stuttgart fan scene will soon file motions to de-select Claus Vogt and Rainer Adrion because of the Porsche deal. IMAGO/Sportfoto Rudel

The cash injection would come at just the right time, now that the transfer market is gradually picking up speed despite the ongoing EURO. VfB did make a lot of money recently with the sale of Hiroki Ito to FC Bayern, and the upcoming transfers of Waldemar Anton (to Borussia Dortmund) and Serhou Guirassy will also bring in transfer fees in the double-digit million range. But: on the new signing side, the Swabians, led by sporting director Fabian Wohlgemuth, who will be promoted to sporting director on July 1st, have mainly signed talented players, with the exception of Jeff Chabot (from 1.FC Köln) and the loan extension of Alexander Nübel. So far, there have been no established professionals or even Champions League experience.

Second tranche to be invested primarily in equity

And then there is the matter of loan striker Deniz Undav, whose permanent transfer makes a buy-back option from parent club Brighton and Hove Albion more difficult. The package that the German runners-up would have to put together for the 27-year-old would be a pretty big one, either way. On the other hand, Undav’s stay would brighten the mood after the departures that have already taken place and are still expected. The second Porsche tranche, like the first, is not to go into legs, but primarily into equity – which in turn would have a positive effect on loan conditions and current account lines with the banks for VfB and would at least make Wohlgemuth’s job easier.

The sports car manufacturer, like Mercedes-Benz AG, will then hold a good 10 percent of VfB AG, the other shareholders are the eV with around 78 percent and Jako AG with just over 1 percent. Now the contract still has to be notarized and the matter entered in the commercial register. Then, as in the winter, around 21 million euros will flow.

Last summer, VfB announced that Porsche AG would be joining the club in two steps for a total of 41.5 million euros. What remained secret at the time: beforehand, the supervisory boards of the Bundesliga club’s capital company had been presented with an ominous letter of intent, according to which they had to hastily agree to vacate the supervisory board chair for a Porsche representative. The councilors signed, quite obviously under considerable time pressure. Some controllers such as Rainer Adrion and Beate Beck-Deharde later retracted their statements, and eV President Claus Vogt added comments.

Motions to remove Vogt and Adrion from office are underway

But the entire committee incurred the displeasure of the organized fan scene because they – not without reason – referred to the spin-off promise that the AG supervisory board chairmanship would always be held by the eV president. The question still remains as to why the AG board commissioned the letter of intent when it was supposed to have been an explicit request from Porsche AG.

The chairwoman of the supervisory board at VfB is now Tanja Gönner, who was actually supposed to moderate the conflict between Vogt and Porsche representative Lutz Meschke. But at the end of a meeting of the supervisory board in March, the former CDU state minister suddenly found herself at the head of the Swabian supervisory board. Since the declarations of intent became known and the disputes escalated, the organized fans have been calling on both the controllers and the remaining eV executive committee made up of Vogt and Adrion to resign.

Motions to remove the latter two have not yet made it onto the agenda of the next general meeting of VfB eV on July 28th for formal and time-limit reasons. However, representatives of “Commando Cannstatt”, the most powerful VfB ultra association, announced on Wednesday in the podcast “VFBSTR” that a corresponding motion was on the way from their ranks and that they assumed that it would be approved. So it will definitely not be boring in Stuttgart during the summer break.

2024-06-27 18:31:12
#VfB #Porsche #Green #light #tranche


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