Vice President of German Judo Federation Visits Heidmühler FC Training Session: HFC Judo Division Continues to Expand

The vice president of the German Judo Federation, Carl Eschenauer, was a guest at the Heidmühler FC training session. Meanwhile, the HFC division continues to grow.

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Schortens – The judo department of the Heidmühler FC had an important visitor. Carl Eschenauer, Vice President of the German Judo Federation (DJB) and President and Managing Director of the Rhineland Judo Association, was a guest.

The 38-year-old holder of the 5th Dan (black belt) and holder of the Trainer A license usually trains in Bad Ems in Rhineland-Palatinate. Together with his partner Lea Fedorov, who is also an active Judo practitioner, Eschenauer visited his old trainer from childhood: Uli Weigert, who originally comes from Bad Ems. Weigert now lives in Jever and trains Judo at the HFC.

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Eschenauer immediately took over both training sessions in Heidmühle. “It was a welcome change and a great experience for both the children and the adults,” emphasizes department head Christoph Legler. Eschenauer, a primary school teacher by profession, gives around twelve hours of judo training per week. In his younger years he fought several times at German championships and in the 2nd Bundesliga, and he is currently still actively fighting in the over-30 judoka category.

“Eschenauer knew how to skillfully incorporate this incredible experience into the training. Everyone was enthusiastic and took away new motivation and ideas,” says Legler happily. When asked why he thinks judo is so great, Eschenauer replied: “Because boys and girls, young and old, small and large, can all do sport together!”

Meanwhile, the judo section of the Heidmühler FC is growing steadily – also among adults. Training takes place every Wednesday and Friday at 5 p.m. for children and at 6.30 p.m. for young people and adults in the gymnastics hall of the Beethoven sports hall in Schortens.

2024-06-06 12:50:23
#Heidmühler #pleased #Carl #Eschenauer


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