Villa Mitre Dominates Bahiense del Norte in Playoffs: Game 2 Recap

He joined La Nueva Provincia in 1995. He works in the Sports section and was a collaborator in Regional and Local News of this same medium. He specializes in basketball. He was part of the staff of Encestando y Zona de Básquet magazine for 10 years. He had experience in the program Radial Contrabásquet, on Radio La Red.

Twitter: @rodriguezefe

Instagram: ferocity



Villa Miter made it clear that it depended on himself to change the poor image he had left in the first game of the series against Bahiense del Norte. And since the playoffs give you revenge, the favorite to win the title did not waste the second opportunity and dominated: 90 to 60, at the Osvaldo Casanova.

The victory, beyond the final difference (22-9 in the last quarter), had to be worked for, built, but of course, everything becomes easier when the message comes in and, from inside the court, the response comes out.

Villa took to the field with a different approach, first more committed defensively and forward, opening up the field to try to create spaces and take advantage of the advantages.

However, he was unable to do so straight away. Ginobili followed Harina, Hollender followed Pennacchiotti, and the rest adjusted.

Bahiense continued with the freshness that ended the first game and went up 4-1.

Pennacchiotti’s anger at not receiving the ball turned into a triple, which put Villa ahead, 6-4.

From there, Villa Mitre began to break free, strengthening its defense, with Depaoli following Lamonega, closing the paths to the basket and, basically, with a different attitude and desire.

“Goool, gool, gool!” Seba Acosta shouted with clenched fists, seeing that his team had gotten into the series, after escaping 11-4, with a 10-0 run.

With a more relaxed game, dominating on the board, running with Iglesias, with the first triple by Harina and subsequent dunk by Pennacchiotti, Villa took a 10-point lead, a difference that Bahiense reduced and closed the quarter with a triple by Ginóbili, after a reversal by Jorge García: 20-14.

The same shooter fell badly and came out with severe pain in his left ankle just 14 seconds into the second quarter.

Villa Mitre remained strong at the back, doubling and forcing Bahiense to kill the rush, not allowing them to break through and take comfortable shots from a distance.

That is to say, he built the victory from the defensive foundations. And the important thing was that he also played forward, with the ease that Pennacchiotti’s 1v1 hierarchy gave him, who sent Jorge García to the field with 3 fouls, and was also able to beat Hollender and, to a certain extent, Facundo Mariano.

This allowed, at the same time, Harina (11 points in the quarter) to have more space when the defense tried to help, meaning Villa had found its game and escaped 40-29, to go into the long break 40-30.

Bahiense, in 3:30 of the complement, was able to dominate offensively in the paint, basically with Hollender and Jorge García, making Villa uncomfortable, based on the prominence that Lamonega was gaining.

By solving that, Villa Miter would have a chance to continue growing. And so he did, first adjusting to the perimeter and when Bahiense managed to get the ball into the paint it became congested, forcing them to play from the inside out. And if you don’t put it…

In 5m50 of the complement, Villa scored 14 and extended the maximum to 17 at the end of the quarter, because to what they had been doing, and to the good game that Depaoli had given them, they added the happy entry of Lozano, who scored 8 points with 2-2 in triples: 68-51.

And if that were not enough, at the start of the last period the point guard finally got rid of the bad luck by nailing a third triple, followed by Romero, so that Villa Mitre could get a 20-point lead.

Bahiense, for the first time in the series, was surpassed in the game and mentally. It was a credit to Villa Miter, who seemed to have definitely forgotten about the Argentine League and were already playing in the final of the local tournament.

With a clean head, Villa put it in from a distance, passed the ball and scored a run of 7-4 to escape 85 to 55 and close the game with 5m25 left.

Ah! And the maximum she recorded was 33.

Next Monday the third will be played, which now has Villa Miter as the protagonist.

The synthesis:

Northern Bahia (60): A. Lamonega (4), F. Ginóbili (3), E. Roberson, P. Santiago (9), JP Hollender (18), fi; L. La Bella (8), J. Garcia (7), F. Mariano (4), T. Rodriguez, A. Cárdenas (7), B. Castañares and J. Lambertucci. DT: Alejandro Navallo.

Villa Miter (90): F. Depaoli (7), F. Harina (21), M. Iglesias (7), F. Pennacchiotti (21), G. Romero (4), fi; I. Alem (8), A. Chervo, A. Lozano (17), N. Renzi (5), V. Ruibal, J. Margiotta and JI Tizza. DT: Sebastián Acosta.

Rooms: Bahiense, 14-20, 30-40 and 51-68.

Referees: Alejandro Ramallo, Horacio Sedan and Alejandro Vizcaino.

Basketball court: Osvaldo Casanova (Students).

Serie: 1-1.

2024-06-28 02:04:26
#Villa #Mitre #final #difference #Bahiense #del #Norte


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