VILLA SAN GIOVANNI: Inauguration of Summer Center and Future Nursery School Renovation

VILLA SAN GIOVANNI – The summer center has been fully inaugurated at the “Don Bosco” oratory for all eligible children and young people, as decided by the municipal council. It is very clear that the pedagogical and social intentions underlying the council’s policy act have seen the set objectives achieved. This is confirmed by the numbers of requesting families, plus numerous applications outside the deadline: 50 places available, 3 intended for disabled minors, 62 requests received within the set deadline, 5 in favor of disabled children.

We have worked and are still working to include and reabsorb all the minors who applied within the established deadline, with the aim of guaranteeing an educational environment that responds to the social needs of the area. The access requirements and selection criteria adopted do not only relate to residence or attendance at our comprehensive institute, as in previous years, criteria linked to family income have also been rightly implemented, divided into 4 ISEE bands, with attached benefits for those lower income groups, up to total exemption.

«Great collaboration, in educational planning and in the offer made, by the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who are entrusted with the management of the summer center in the oratory premises. Spaces that have always been intended for the care and education of generations, who are recognized for their precious role and charisma spent for the benefit of our community”, declares the president of the municipal council Caterina Trecroci with responsibility for education and educational policies.

Premises that will very soon be the subject of a major renovation aimed at the opening of a nursery. An opportunity for Italian municipalities desired by Minister Valditara and supported by the need to strengthen children’s services. In fact, the institution is the beneficiary of a loan put out to tender by the Ministry of Education and Merit for the conversion of existing buildings into nursery schools.

«It was long overdue – continues the Prime Minister – the opportunity to respond to the need to intervene on a structure of great value for our City was seized immediately, and thanks to the work of the offices, we have obtained important resources that will allow us to combine multiple needs: maintaining, enhancing and strengthening what exists on an educational and didactic level, redeveloping and making our educational spaces increasingly welcoming and efficient and at the same time launching strategic services for the well-being of families, especially young mothers who have to find support and incentives in the growth of the little ones”.

And Mayor Giusy Caminiti concludes: “We intended to provide a different service with the summer center, for which we thank our nuns whose support and contribution has been, is and will be fundamental. The funding obtained of 720 thousand euros for the redevelopment of the Genoa-Florence oratory and its reconversion into a nursery school is a promise made to the City in November 2022 and already kept: an educational and value center to which entire generations of Villesi owe so much and which will finally be adapted to school standards for accreditations. Because the community that collaborates, enhances its spaces and safeguards all its presence is the ultimate goal of our administrative action”.

2024-06-27 06:53:29
#Villa #GenoaFlorence #oratory #redeveloped #converted #nursery


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