Weekend Sports Update: Judo in Paris and Table Tennis at the Veteran Nationals

Judo: in Paris

Tomorrow, Jonathan Lascoumettes will participate in the French 3rd division championship in -100 kg which will take place in Villebon to the south of Paris

Table tennis: at the veteran nationals

The table tennis season will end this weekend with the French individual veteran championships which are taking place at Mer in Loir-et-Cher. Joël Moreau and Daniel Marciniec, qualified, will be among the national elite in the category. Like all associations, and in this period of office renewal for an Olympiad, the club will hold its elective general meeting on Friday June 14 at 7 p.m. at the Paul Valéry college gymnasium.

Basketball: Armagnac-Bigorre final

Tomorrow, the U15M1s will meet on the Mirande floor, 3:30 p.m., to face the Castéra Rejaumont team in the AB final. A formidable trip that an entire club hopes will be victorious.

Pétanque: welcome to the ladies

The intervillage challenge continues on Wednesday June 12 in Orleix. But first, this afternoon, the ASCA pétanque competition is organizing today at the bowling alley, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., an open afternoon reserved for women from Aureilhan as well as members of Aureilhan associations.

Rugby: AG and tournament

Friday June 14, general meeting at 7 p.m. in the Mille Clubs room. Saturday June 15 at 2 p.m. tournament to touch.

Lyon ball: hello France

Wednesday and Thursday took place the Occitanie veterans championships in Villemoustassou in Aude. The Aureilhanais did not fail in their famous reputation in the world of Lyon boules, since Antoine Soler, Thierry Szubarga, Patrick Pastor, Robert Caverivierre and Nicolas Benes won the title. These five ASCA musketeers have therefore qualified for the France which will take place on September 6, 7 and 8 in Morians in Isère.

2024-06-08 03:38:42
#ASCA #Lyon #ball #stands


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