“When there are 15 players on the pitch, everyone has to be at the same level,” complains Mignoni (Toulon)

Pierre Mignoni, the Toulon head coach, reacted after the RCT’s defeat this Saturday evening against Stade Français in Jean-Bouin (20-23).

Pierre, how did you find the players after this defeat?
They were obviously disappointed. But we have a first period where we are not all at the same level. We are failing in several sectors and quite logically dominated. On the other hand, we then come back with better intentions, we are much more determined to win.

How do you explain this start to the match?
When there are 15 players on the field, everyone must be at the same level. Mistakes are expensive. We were too weak in our kicking game where they dominated us.

Was there a lot of disappointment in the locker room after the defeat?
Yes, but hey, that’s how it is. We must congratulate Stade Français which deserves its place in the semi-final. Throughout the match, we were not consistent and precise enough. We’re disappointed but we have to move on and it’s super exciting. It’s been five years since we were there. We will receive a barrage at home (against La Rochelle, Editor’s note).

What was your reaction when you learned the name of your future opponent in the play-off?
(Smile) No, but there is no reaction to be had. I think that just by hearing the name of La Rochelle… It says it all. It’s a team that is very difficult to play and we expect a big match. We’re going to prepare it. She is a double European champion (2022 and 2023). You’re going to tell me that it’s worse this year but that doesn’t exist. We are in the final stages, everything is starting from scratch, for everyone.

Your coaching was good. Are there any regrets regarding your starting XV and did some lose points tonight?
There are no regrets. You just have to be at the level. There are individual disappointments but in these matches, everyone must be at the same level at the same time.

Everyone says that Stade Français is unplayable…
No, they are not impossible to play. It’s a very physical team with very good conquest, a kicking game that’s difficult to counter… They defend very well. Tonight they narrowly won but it’s deserved for them.


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