Who Will Win Japan’s 500th Summer Olympics Medal in Paris?

Japan Data

Sports Society Jun 28, 2024

Who will be the first Japanese athlete to win a medal at the Paris Olympics, which begins on July 26? It will be Japan’s 500th medal in the Summer Olympics.

The opening of the Paris Olympics is less than a month away. The first Japanese to win a medal at the Summer Olympics was Kazuya Kumagai (silver) in the men’s singles tennis at the Antwerp Olympics in 1920. Over the 100 years since then, Japan has won 499 medals.

Who will be the 500th medalist?

After the opening ceremony on July 26th, full-scale competition will begin on the 27th.

The third-place matches and finals for the women’s 48 kg judo and men’s 60 kg judo are scheduled to take place around 5 p.m. local time. Natsumi Tsunoda will represent the women’s 48 kg class, and Ryuju Nagayama will represent the men’s 60 kg class. In addition, the men’s and women’s 400m freestyle finals will take place around 8 p.m., and the women’s individual epee and men’s individual sabre fencing finals will take place around 9 p.m.

There’s a seven-hour time difference with Paris. I’ll have to be the 500th witness, even if it means not getting enough sleep!

Banner photo: Reuters

gold medal
Paris Olympics

2024-06-28 00:07:38
#Summer #Olympics #win #Japans #500th #medal #Finals #judo #swimming #July #nippon.com


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