XXII 3×3 Basketball Tournament ‘III Carlos Sainz Esteban Memorial’ Set to Take Place in Salas de los Infantes

The next Saturday July 20 will be disputed in Infants’ Rooms he XXII 3×3 Basketball Tournament ‘III Carlos Sainz Esteban Memorial’a tournament in turn scoring for the Burgos Provincial Council ‘GiraBasket’ 3×3 Basketball Trophy.

The test will be organized by the Basketball Federation of Castile and Leon, the Provincial Institute for Sport and Youth of the Provincial Council of Burgos and the City Council of Salas de los Infantes, together with the collaboration of the Burgos Basketball Delegation.

Poster for the Salas de los Infantes 3×3 Basketball Tournament.

It will undoubtedly be a great summer tournament in its 3×3 format, since In its last edition it had more than 70 participating teams made up of players from all over Castilla y León and other nearby autonomous communities.

MVP players of the last edition. / Photo: Deleg. Basketball Burgalesa

Las categories summoned are the following: premini, mini, infant, cadet and absolute (over 16 years old), and registrations will be open until next July 17.

2024-06-27 15:27:20
#XXII #Rooms #Tournament #III #Carlos #Sainz #Memorial #opens #registrations #Forofos #Magazine


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