Yannick Borel on his withdrawal from the European Championships: “I’m not worried at all”

“Why did you withdraw this Thursday morning just before the group stage?
Yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) I requested treatment from the physiotherapist, particularly for my right thigh because I was experiencing discomfort. I told her the word “discomfort” and she took care to do some tests and she said to me “I don’t want to worry you but the tests are not good”. The doctor was very busy, she came home around 9 p.m. and when she saw me she told me that it was my choice, I could shoot, but that as a precaution she advised me not to take any risks for the Games.

Were you hesitant to try your luck anyway?
No, I haven’t thought for a thousand years. With the Games in a month, I cannot take the risk of aggravating this injury, if it is only an injury, I will find out very quickly when I return to Paris during the day. It’s zero risk because the deadline is close and the Games are much more important than the Europe. I’m not worried at all, I feel fine, it’s just an annoyance.

“It’s an opportunity for Alexandre (Bardenet) to show his value, what he claims”

How did you get injured?
In training last Friday in Levallois. I sometimes feel discomfort in my thigh or arm, it’s the daily life of athletes, if you ask the shooters involved here I think there are many of them in this case. If I had felt it was something serious, I would have gone to see the doctor straight away. In this case I told myself that with rest it would go away. I had an individual lesson on Monday, where I didn’t do lunges, and Tuesday in the assault session I only did arrows, I protected myself a little that way. But it actually went well, on the track I felt good. That’s why I came, it was the opportunity to test myself for the Games. If I had known, I wouldn’t be here.

Your package involves the return of Alexandre Bardenet for the team competition on Saturday.
I’m happy that he can strengthen the team, that he brings his experience, he has a lot of it. I wish them to win the title, it would consolidate our place as world number one and it would do everyone good for their confidence. I would have preferred to be there, that’s for sure, but the team is very competitive. This is an opportunity for Alexander to show his worth, which he claims. He was training all last week with me in Levallois. I know it’s going to be a big deal for his opponents, he gave me problems! He must have fun too. It shouldn’t be there but finally it is, you have to experience this event to the fullest, that’s what I advise him. Live it to the fullest and put the differences aside for the duration of this competition and give everything to win the title. »

2024-06-20 09:51:16
#Yannick #Borel #withdrawal #European #Championships #worried


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