Yellow Flames Athletes Shine at European Junior and Under 23 Speed Canoe Championship in Bratislava

Last updated on June 27, 2024 by Elizabeth China

On the international sporting scene, six canoeists from Yellow Flames they joined Sabaudia to participate in the European Junior and Under 23 speed canoe championship in Bratislavaa highly prestigious event in the discipline.

The young talent Carlo Di Girolamo

Carlo Di Girolamo, born in 2006, stands out within the yellow-green team for his first call-up to the Azzurri as part of the Junior team. His commitment will focus on the C1 200 meter competition, demonstrating the skill acquired over years of dedication to the practice of canoeing.

Carlo’s rise between commitment and passion

Originally from Terracina and at the end of the final exams at the A. Filosi State Professional Institute, Carlo Di Girolamo he cultivated a passion for canoeing from a young age thanks to the educational project “A Scuola in Canoa”. Supported by his parents, he embraced the discipline, moving from kayak to Canadian, obtaining notable results at a national level.

The complete team for the international event

Next to Carlofive other yellow-green athletes from the Under 23 category will participate in the competition. Luca Micotti e Federico Zanutta they will start on K2, facing the 1000 and 500 meter challenges. While Achille Spadacini, Giacomo Rossi e Nicolò Volo they will form the K4 500 meters, completing the team with determination and competitive spirit.

The constant commitment and dedication of the athletes and coaches of Yellow Flames have made it possible to reach this prestigious international goal, proudly representing Italy in the discipline of speed canoeing.


    Yellow Flames: The Fiamme Gialle are the sports section of the Italian Financial Police. It is one of the most prestigious sports clubs in Italy, with athletes from different sports disciplines. The Fiamme Gialle have a long tradition of supporting high-level athletes and participating in national and international competitions.

    Bratislava: Bratislava is the capital of Slovakia and a very important city for speed canoeing at European level. It regularly hosts high-level international competitions, such as the European Junior and Under 23 Speed ​​Canoe Championships, an event that attracts emerging athletes from different parts of the world.
    Carlo Di Girolamo: Carlo Di Girolamo is a young Italian speed canoeing talent. Born in 2006 in Terracina, he began practicing this sport from a young age and stood out for his skill and determination. His call-up to the Azzurra team as part of the Junior team is an important milestone in his sporting career.
    Terracina: Terracina is a coastal town in Lazio, Italy. It is the birthplace of Carlo Di Girolamo and is known for its beautiful beaches and its connection with water sports, including canoeing. Carlo’s passion for canoeing was cultivated from a young age, and his sporting path was also determined by the support of his parents and local educational projects.
    Luca Micotti, Federico Zanutta, Achille Spadacini, Giacomo Rossi, Nicolò Volo: These are the other Fiamme Gialle athletes who participated in the European Junior and Under 23 speed canoe championship. Each of them showed commitment and determination in preparing for the international event, proudly representing Italy in this competition.

2024-06-27 09:38:14
#Carlo #Girolamo #Fiamme #Gialle #canoeists #Bratislava #European #Championship


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