🏸Join the ‘Subway’ Badminton Club and Learn How to Eat Healthy!🥗🏸


🏸We are recruiting members for the badminton club ‘Subway’🏸

I will teach you how to eat salad at Subway, go on a diet, and play badminton from the sub🙋‍♀️

A practical management team🗿

Beginners can also apply😆

Subway welcomes everyone❤️

🐾Badminton venue and number of participants

-We are recruiting approximately 20 people.

-The management team consists of a total of 5 people.

-The recruitment period is ✔️for one month in July✔️.

-Location: Kuronuri Badminton Court (no badminton shoes required)

– It is scheduled to operate once every two weeks!

(I’ll take care of your diet!)

🐾 Operating period

Operating during school holidays from July to September

🟡Apply now


🟡Membership fee information

– The indoor badminton court usage fee is 1/n per group attendee.


– If someone causes harm to the club or a situation arises that is concerning, they may be warned or expelled from the club during its operation through an anonymous reporting system.

– If you receive two warnings, you will be kicked out.

2024-07-02 20:51:47
#recruiting #members #badminton #club #Subway


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