19-year-old Savita Russo Makes History by Qualifying for 2024 Paris Olympics in Judo -63kg Category

19-year-old Ecodep Koizumi Judo Judoka Qualifies for 2024 Paris Olympics in the -63kg Category

The 2024 Paris Olympics have not yet begun, but Italian Judo has already reached a historic milestone. For the first time, the national team will have twelve qualified athletes, a record that testifies to the exceptional level reached by Italian judo. The protagonist of this feat is, among others, the young Savita Russo of Ecodep Koizumi Judo who obtained the precious continental quota. In Paris, Savita will compete in the -63 kg category, bringing freshness and talent to an already extraordinarily strong team.

In addition to the Sicilian athlete, the Italian expedition includes prominent figures such as Assunta Scutto, Odette Giuffrida, and veterans such as Kim Polling and Antonio Esposito, forming a group that could be the strongest ever presented by Italy in this discipline. The diversity of experience and youthful energy are the ingredients that could make the difference in the next Olympic Games, reflecting the ambition and passion that animate these athletes.

A story of commitment and passion, a testimony of Sicilian excellence Savita, at just 19 years old is already among the leading athletes of the national judoka movement with a list of achievements that includes a bronze at the Cadet World Championships in 2022, gold at the Junior European Championships in 2023, and the recent bronze at the Absolute European Championships in 2024. Savita has thus demonstrated not only exceptional technical skills but also an impressive resilience and spirit of sacrifice. Results come from constant commitment and passion. This is the message that young talents like Savita Russo convey. And this teaching is valid both in the world of sport and in the various areas of life and work, such as environmental protection, in which Ecodep has been engaged on the front line for over 30 years with its waste management activities for companies and with multiple initiatives to support the territory and those who live there, including the sponsorship of Koizumi Judo.

Ecodep and Koizumi Judo see in Savita a shining example of the values ​​that both organizations support: respect, commitment, a spirit of collaboration and the desire to excel for oneself and for the team. These principles are as fundamental in the formation of an Olympic athlete as in the ethical approach to the environment and the community. And these are precisely the levers that have brought together the intentions of Ecodep and Koizumi Judo, giving rise to a collaboration that has allowed them to enhance and support young Sicilians in their personal growth journey, forging not only athletes, but also individuals of great depth, ready to contribute positively to society. Celebrating the success of Savita Russo, Ecodep and Koizumi Judo reaffirm their commitment to a sustainable and inclusive future, underlining how sport can be a powerful vehicle of social and environmental values.

Savita’s journey to the Paris Olympics will surely be a source of inspiration for many young people, as is Ecodep’s incessant work for a cleaner and healthier environment. Good luck to Savita and to the entire Italian Olympic delegation, Italian pride in all sports.


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2024-07-04 09:35:25
#Ecodep #Koizumi #Judo #Olympics #Savita #Russo


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