5 places to collect them and the rules to follow

The right season is coming for collect the best blueberries in Italy: let’s try to understand where to collect them in the areas of our country most suitable for this activity so appreciated by adults and children.
From the end of May, but especially in June and July, blueberry harvesters take out their baskets to fill with the succulent blue/purple berries, characterized by extraordinary antioxidant properties and ideal for making excellent juices.

Compared to cherries and strawberries, blueberries are definitely easier to find and pick, as they are often they grow wild inside valleys or woods excluded from private cultivation.
In any case, to be on the safe side, it is always better to contact the local tourist boards and ask for information. Blackberries, the most widespread in Italy, can be found from June-July until September; the perfect places to collect them are the northern slopes of the hills or the mountain forests up to 2000 metersespecially in Valtellina and in some areas of the Apennines.

Where to pick the best blueberries in Italy

From the end of May to August, in Italy it is very easy to find blueberries in the woods: they grow spontaneously and can often be collected without problems (but there are some daily limits of quantity). Here we give you some advice to understand where to pick the best blueberries in Italy.

Blueberries from Lombardy
Blueberries from Abruzzo
Blueberries from the Pistoia Apennines
The Piedmontese blueberry
Blueberries from Trentino-Alto Adige

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1. Blueberries from Lombardy

Did you know that Lombardy is the Italian region where you can find the most blueberries?
For this reason too, there is specific legislation:
1. In the Lombardy woods, the collection of the Vaccinium myrtillus species is permitted (Blackberry European) from the Vaccinium vine idaea (cranberry)
2. Prohibited gather more than 1 kilogram of blueberries per day (4 kilograms if the collection is carried out jointly by several collectors)
3. The owners of the land on which the blueberries grow they can request authorization to ban collection.
From June to August, the most suitable woods for picking blueberries are undoubtedly those of the upper Valtellina: from Sondalo to Livigno, passing through Grosio and Bormio. During a trek in these areas you don’t even have to try to look for them: they will come across you very easily.
>>READ ALSO: Valtellina, the 5 best mountain bike itineraries in Sondrio and Valmalenco

2. Blueberries from Abruzzo

Abruzzo is another perfect region for picking blueberries. On the Laga Mountains The blackberry is well distributed in almost all the woods, especially in the beech forests. You will easily find them along the walks to reach the peaks of the Mount Pizzitello and the Pizzo di Sevo.
It is possible to pick blueberries also on the Gran Sassoespecially near slopes with northern exposure.
>>READ ALSO: In the Abruzzo National Park, where to see animals

3. Blueberries from the Pistoia Apennines

Above Cutigliano and along the path that leads to Lake Scaffaiolo you will admire some real expanses of blueberry plants which reach diameters of 6-10 millimetres. The black blueberries of the Pistoia mountains are known for being pleasantly sweet, refreshing and aromatic: they are in demand throughout Italy.
In Cutigliano, in the province of Pistoia, every summer a long-awaited festival dedicated to black berries is organised, which represent an important component of the economy of this area: the 12 companies that manage the production manage to collect around 200 quintals per year.

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4. The Piedmontese blueberry

One of the emerging regions for blueberry harvesting is Piedmont: the surfaces covered with blueberry plants have grown enormously from 2006 to 2019, going from 116 hectares to 557 hectares.
The best area to collect them is the province of Cuneoespecially in the area that goes from Saluzzo up towards the Po Valley, passing through Envie and Revellom, and in the southern strip between the Municipalities of Mondovì and Borgo San Belmazzo.
Piedmontese blueberries are also found in large quantities in the woods of Province of Turin and Province of Novara.

5. Blueberries from Trentino-Alto Adige

If you find yourself in Valsuganain the Cembra Valley, in the Giudicarie Valleys and in theHigh Gardafrom June the forest paths fill with excellent quality blackberries.
In Vto the Aurinafurthermore, you can find them up to 1700/1800 meters, even at the end of August (when you start to see the cranberries).
In Trentino, however, there are several rules that limit the blueberry harvestso before you get to work it’s better Contact the farms of the place or look for some agritourism that, under the guidance of the producers, accompanies customers in the fields dedicated to the harvest.
[Photo by: Couleur / Pixabay]


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2024-07-04 06:21:22
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