8th Edition of Olympic Judo Forio Event in Memory of Adriana Serpico Comes to a Successful Close

The event organized by the island company, Olympic Judo Forio, in memory of Adriana Serpico is coming to an end. Today the curtain falls on the Sporting Event that saw the presence on the island of the two Olympians Susy Scutto, athlete Fiamme Gialle sports group Guardia di Finanza, 1st first in the world ranking of the -48 kg category and Antonio Esposito, athlete of the Fiamme Azzurre – Polizia Penitenziaria, 9th ninth in the world ranking in the -81 kg category.
Try to imagine the 500 athletes who filled the tatami of the Palazzetto dello Sport in Forio d’Ischia, try to imagine the 32 companies from all over Italy who did not want to miss the Kermesse which has now reached its 8th Edition, establishing itself over the years among the important events of National Judo and included among the manifestations of interest of the Municipality of Foriano.
There were many moments that characterized these three days.
At the opening of the stage all the judokas gathered around the big screen set up for the occasion inside the structure to remember Adriana Serpico. The video to remember Adriana Serpico, emotional, with her smiles and looks, almost to say that she was there with us;
the tears that hugged the organizers and the many people present with the emotion of having remembered their friend once again;
Afterwards, the many children, once inside the Palazzetto dello Sport, found themselves in front of, almost incredulous, their idols projected on a gigantic backdrop, measuring 3 by 10 meters.
To ensure the presence of a piece of Italian judo history, the organizers did not miss another guest, Antonio Ciano, Technician of the Fiamme Gialle sports group and collaborator of the Italian judo national team. Through intense training, interspersed with hours spent at the sea, the many judokas, technicians and companions managed to fully enjoy the green island.
The presence of the National President of the Judo Fijlkam sector, Giuseppe Matera, of the Regional President of the Judo Sector, Bruno D’Isanto, of the technician of the Fiamme Oro of the State Police and head of the Italian University National Massimo Parlati, as well as the local authorities who attended, such as the director of the State Police Station of Ischia, Deputy Chief of Police Dr. Ciro Re, former judoka of the Italian national judo team, the sports councilor of the municipality of Forio d’Ischia Dr. Gianni Mattera and the tourism councilor Dr. Jessica Lavista, have clearly highlighted the importance and quality of this event.
The organizers, the judokas technicians Maurizio Bianculli and Mimmo D’Angelo, who have believed in this project for years, at the end, exhausted by the work done, but happy, have joined together in a see you next year, because they are already thinking about the future, with their dreams they are already thinking about how to entertain your little… but great champions.
Supporting the event are the companies NetCom Group Engineering spa, Casthotels, Verde Assicurazioni, Palloncinando, Neon Verde and Lido del Sole Sant’ Angelo.

2024-07-01 19:22:54
#Olympic #Judo #Forio #great #success #8th #edition #Summer #Camp


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