Alliance Dojo 71 General Meeting Recap and Elective Board Member Results for 2023-2024 Season

Everyone gathered this Sunday morning for this end-of-season general meeting which was also an elective meeting.

The President led this general meeting by reading her moral report which was in 3 parts, the current season, a review of the Olympiad, and an update on the monitoring of the associative project, then read the 2023 income statement and the 2025 forecast budget before handing over to Gaby for the Sports Review.

Below is the results of the 2023-2024 season

A very nice season,

-572 licensees with para judo and judo school licenses within the framework of the PSF

-The development of the social networks Instagram and Facebook

-The establishment of a 3rd social network tiktok

-the 1st 1000 dojo in the entire BFC

-Federal activities (organization of kyus and little tigers)

-Club organizations (3 interclubs, youth training courses, teen/adult training courses)

-Rewards in the sections

-AD 71 rewards

-The family and friendly day

-Parent/child/friend sessions for 140 people

-Olympic week with 540 primary school students

-Primary school cycle interventions for 80 students

-Discovery session interventions for 249 students

-Intervention with people with mental disabilities for 58 practitioners

-Interventions in leisure centers for 80 young people

-An exceptional 35th anniversary with more than 700 people present and the presence of Mrs. Hélène Receveaux, vice-world champion.

-25 partners and members of the business club

-24 additional sponsors for a total of 50 private financiers

Then presents the 2023 income statement and the 2025 forecast budget. At the end, the President reads the auditor’s report, which makes no comments and finds the cash flow to be healthy and rigorous.

Both reports are approved

Gabriel PIEJAK, Technical Director of AD 71, moves on to the sports report:

-16 participations in the French championships in junior, cadet and senior categories

-8 departmental referees

-1 regional referee

-1 inter-regional referee

-1 new departmental sports commissioner

-10 young people in training as referees and sports commissioners

-5 new 1st Dan black belts

-2 new 2nd Dan black belts

-1 new 4th Dan black belt

-Nearly 90% success rate in black belt grade exams.

A new teacher (awaiting validation Tuesday July 2)

A very good season, a big THANK YOU to all the leaders, volunteers, young volunteers, salaried teachers and volunteers who worked all season.

A big THANK YOU to all the institutional and private partners who support us and believe in our associative project.


She took over the reins of the Dojo 71 Alliance in June 2009, after the resignation of the then President who had been elected in June 2008, and has not left since.

Céline Piejak President

Nicolas Forest and Christophe Nicolas Vice-Presidents

Valerie Lauret Secretary

Patrick Lauret Treasurer

Members: Michel Pilloz, Nathalie Trottin, Sylvain Trottin, Eric Watel, Louise De Miranda, Jean Louis Jourdain, Jean Philippe Weiss, Carine Lacorne

Ex-officio members with consultative votes: Gabriel Piejak, Maxime Rimbert, Anthony Piejak

The new Board of Directors was unanimously approved

A season that ends with the awards ceremony which took place just after the AGM (the article will be published soon)

See you in September at ALLIANCE DOJO 71

Facebook / Tiktok / Instagram @alliancedojo71

[email protected]

2024-07-04 00:16:42
#JUDO #Céline #Piejak #reappointed #president #Alliance #Dojo #clubs #general #meeting


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