Amaury Delerue and Mickaël Landreau join the management of French arbitration

As we announced in June, Amaury Delerue will join the management of French refereeing. After his hearing by the Comex of the FFF, Anthony Gautier and Jean Pierre Caillot, the former international referee was appointed “manager-instructor of Ligue 1 referees”, indicates a press release from the FFF. Concretely, he will have to manage, train and judge his former colleagues.

Delerue (47 years old) managed 172 Ligue 1 matches between 2012 and 2022, before turning to a career as a mental trainer. He will have at his side Mickaël Landreau, a surprise guest of this new management. The former goalkeeper will be the “sports advisor for the tactical and technical preparation of referees”. He also inherits a role as spokesperson, to speak on behalf of the officials “when necessary”, specifies the press release. Both remain under the responsibility of Gautier, technical director of French refereeing.


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