“An unconditional surrender, too easy to look at the mistakes of others”

“I was in Berlin and so I experienced first-hand the bitterness of a defeat, of an unconditional surrender that was not only sporting but also moral. There was no reaction, there was no flash, a look of those that are seen in sport especially in difficult moments. We need to bring out the moral strength that the blue jersey must inspire and that those who wear it must be able to represent. The game is now over, we have returned home, but the thing that surprised me is the search for other people’s responsibilities. I think that when faced with defeat, the first factor that must emerge is self-criticism and start again from there. It is too easy to look at other people’s responsibilities”. These are the words of the Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi, speaking during ‘Non Stop News’ on RTL.


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Abodi very harsh on the national team

«Once again, sport teaches us to take responsibility directly and not to transfer it – adds Abodi -.

The players who go on the field know this perfectly well, I can’t imagine that they didn’t have the ability to rewind the tape, review the game and understand where they went wrong. Moreover, these are not individual and tactical errors, the national team seemed to be morally absent. This must stir up reflections, so that there can be a full stop”.

The future

“We need to shorten the distance between young people by meeting them and listening to their needs, offering opportunities. Young people often complain about the distance, we are multiplying the opportunities for dialogue and discussion. It will also be up to us to transform this into measures that are perceived and accepted”. Thus the Minister for Sport and Young People, Andrea Abodi, in his speech on RTL 102.5, returns to the topic of young people. “The implementation of the generational impact assessment of the rules that we will approve will be important – continued the minister -, an assessment that will have to be done before the approval of the rules to put us in contact with young people so that there is not this distance that manifests itself in not voting. An element that we want to counter with greater participation, as was done for students away from home who, for the first time in history, were able to vote in the last European elections”. “We have opened job orientation hubs, each with its own specialization linked to the territory – the minister continued – offering the opportunity to create a bridge between young people and work, or community civic spaces to combat school dropout through free sports practice. We use the national youth card, which is becoming a communication channel for work downloaded by three million people. Or the universal civil service that offers 15% in public competitions”. Finally, a thought also on Caivano and future projects: “We are focusing on social marginalization, intervening early where hardship is taking over the community before the news arrives to throw dramatic facts in our faces. We have tried to move from indignation to commitment”, he concludes.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#unconditional #surrender #easy #mistakes


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