Anexa Logística strengthens its international presence with a new direct route to the United Kingdom |

Posted by Redaccion Loginews3 July, 2024COMPANIESVisits 1

The Valencian logistics operator, Anexa Logística, has launched a new direct import-export line between Valencia and the United Kingdom. This service responds to the firm’s policy of constant improvement and growth, prioritising logistics connectivity with Great Britain and meeting the demand with this country, which Anexa did not have a regular service to date.

The initiative, available from June 6, 2024, allows Anexa to expand its routes and increase its market presence. In addition, with this new service, the brand strengthens its position as a comprehensive logistics solutions provider.

Overall, this line contributes significantly to improving European logistics connectivity by facilitating direct access to the UK market, thus strengthening regional supply chains.

Since its launch, Anexa customers have experienced several significant benefits, obtaining faster transit times, greater efficiency in the management of their supply chains and access to a reliable and direct transport network with the United Kingdom.

The development of this line has been meticulously executed through the evaluation of market demand, negotiation with key logistics partners and the implementation of new operational processes to ensure optimal service from day one of operation.

Óscar J. Adell, commercial director of Anexa Logística, has emphasized that “this new line consolidates us as a benchmark in international traffic.”

2024-07-03 07:31:17
#Anexa #Logística #strengthens #international #presence #direct #route #United #Kingdom


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