Argentina U17 Women’s Pre-Selection Gears Up for U17 World Cup in Mexico

With 17 players selected and one invited player, the pre-selection began its preparation at CeNARD in view of the U17 World Cup in Mexico.

A new sporting objective is included in the calendar of the Women’s National Teams. Under this work scheme, the U17 began its preparation at CeNARD for the U17 World Cup in León and Irapuato, both cities in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. The international event will be held from July 13 to 21.

For this call-up in the City of Buenos Aires, the Confederation’s professional staff drew up a list of 17 players along with the addition of Amparo Postigo López as a guest to the training sessions, without being part of the pre-selection. The head coach will be Paula Budini and she will be accompanied by Laura González.

The roster retains the 12 bronze medalists from the last FIBA ​​Americas U16 in 2023, also with Mexico as the host country. Among them are: Juana Barrionuevo, Isabella Boullón, Florencia Bragado, Catalina Creolani, Sol Depetris, Isabella Ingenito, Rocío Leta, Milagros Morell, Sofía Novoa Ferrari, Abril Ochoa, Renata Scordo Hernández and Fiamma Solis. The figures of Matilda Campos, Francisca Canello Novelli, Abril Fernández, Lola Ritondale and Isabella Roldán are added to that group.

Within this context, there are five with recent participation in the U18 AmeriCup in Colombia, a continental competition with an albiceleste podium after defeating Brazil in the regional classic by 73 to 66. Regarding the South American U15 title in Chile 2022, 92% (11) of the names are repeated.

The girls will be the only South American representatives at the World Cup. The team will be part of Group A along with Japan, Spain and Finland, for a regular phase of three matches and a round-robin competition format. In the round of 16, they will cross paths with some of the teams that make up Group B, such as Italy, Mexico, Mali and New Zealand. The other opponents in the race are Australia, Canada, Chinese Taipei, Croatia, Egypt, the United States, France and Puerto Rico.

This will be the fourth time that the category competes in a tournament of this nature. The previous appearances date back to Toulouse (France) 2010, Minsk (Belarus) 2018 and Debrecen (Hungary) 2022. The ninth place in the French city marked the best national performance so far, with a cast made up of personalities such as Melisa Gretter, Diana Cabrera, Julieta Armesto, Julieta Vázquez, Rocío Díaz, Micaela Sancisi, among others. The uniqueness of this fact is that it corresponds to the inaugural edition of the championship.

Juana Barrionuevo | 2007 | Ameghino
Isabella Boullón Faifer | 2007 | Sanitary Works
Florence Bragado | 2007 | Velez Sarsfield
Matilda Campos | 2008 | Velez Sarsfield
Francisca Canello Novelli | 2009 | Sanitary Works
Catalina Creolani | 2008 | Nautical Sports Avellaneda
Sol Depetris | 2007 | Florida Union
April Fernandez | 2007 | Lanus
Isabella Born | 2007 | Saint Salvatore Selarguis
Rocio Leta | 2007 | Lanus
Milagros Morell | 2007 | Sanitary Works
Sofia Novoa Ferrari | 2008 | Velez Sarsfield
April Ochoa | 2007 | The Coati
Lola Ritondale | 2007 | RPB Workshops
Isabella Roldan | 2009 | July 9
Renata Scordo Hernandez | 2008 | Water Works
Fiamma Solis | 2007 | Water Works

Amparo Postigo Lopez | 2009 | Thunder Basket Metallic

Saturday 13/07 – Spain vs Argentina
Sunday 14/07 – Argentina vs Japan
Tuesday 16/07 – Argentina vs Finland
Wednesday 17/07: Round of 16
Friday 19/07: Quarterfinals
Saturday 20/07: Semifinal
Sunday 21/07: Final

2024-07-03 00:24:15
#U17 #Womens #team #began #training #sessions #prior #World #Cup


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