Arqueros Venadenses: Growing the Sport of Archery in Venado Tuerto

(PR/Gustavo Brianza) Venadenses Archers It is an institution registered with the Argentine Archery Federation and has its space in the Federal Shooting Range of Venado Tuertowhere every Saturday they meet to practice and learn everything there is to know about this activity that is gaining more and more followers.

The president of Arqueros Venadenses is Miguel Marti – who was also the 2022 national champion in the Compound Hunter category, 3D modality – and together with him Diego Ochoa and a group of fans have been working whose goal is for this activity to continue growing. In dialogue with Regional VillageMarti and Ochoa reviewed the history of the discipline in Venado Tuerto.

«Basically, archery in Venado Tuerto started with us in 2003. We took a course in Buenos Aires, bought the first bows and started doing the activity at the Tiro Federal without being federated. When we started training, each one of us was guided by a type of bow and a shooting modality, that is why some leaned towards the traditional longbow, others chose the compound and we got the urge to start competing. So, what we did at that time was join a federation for a club in Buenos Aires, but there was little activity in the metropolitan area. For this reason, we joined a federation for an institution in Paraná, with which we competed at a national level for three or four years, but most of us did it in the hunter compound modality that was dissolved for a while at that time and we went back to training at the Tiro Federal», said Marti.

«Then, we went to where the popular Tiro a la Paloma used to be, near Obras Sanitarias, but after a year they had to leave and we moved to the Esteban Kenny Solián circuit. After being there for a year, the group slowly dissolved and each one continued practicing on their own. What’s more, some of us went to train on the side of the road because we didn’t have a fixed place. The positive thing is that the passion remained intact,» he continued.

Two years ago, Ochoa and other archers returned to speak at the Tiro Federal to return to practice in the place where they are currently. «Luckily they gave us this property that today is beautiful compared to what it was ten years ago. The shooting range is a before and after, both in the part where they use firearms and ours. After being federated in Paraná, we moved to San Nicolás and last year, finally, we managed to become federated as Arqueros Venadenses. Today, we use our shirt, we compete at a national level and we depend on the Tiro Federal de Venado Tuerto», he said.

In this regard, there are archers from Río Cuarto and San Nicolás, among other towns, who currently represent Venado Tuerto. Among them is Cristian Genzano from San Nicolás, who was called up to the National Archery Team and will compete in the next World Field Championships to be held in September in Canada.

It is worth noting that the activity carried out by Arqueros Venadenses at Tiro Federal is open to anyone interested in learning this discipline. “For those who have no knowledge, we have all the necessary material to get started: bow, arrows and protectors. In addition, there is a school where we teach introductory courses. There are eight classes taught by instructor Aníbal Palacios. It is not necessary to have knowledge or the elements because we provide everything here. The idea is that people do not spend money for fun, that they come first, see if they like it and choose which shooting modality is their preference,” he explained.

“Once the course is over, we rent the equipment if the person cannot afford it or does not want to buy it, so they can continue coming to shoot. The ideal is to try out all the modalities and then choose one. The basic course includes safety measures, bow assembly, posture and technical shooting position, and from then on it is up to each person to see how much they want to progress,” he emphasized.

In this regard, Marti added that “there are people who want to learn with the aim of being able to compete tomorrow, while others come to relax, unwind or simply shoot an arrow.” “It is open to everyone,” he stressed.

As for the categories, “there is the longbow, or as it is wrongly known, ‘broomstick’, because it is basically a stick with a string; then you have the traditional flat bow, which is the bow with two limbs and a riser; the hunter compound, which uses a sight with fiber optic pins and a single stabilizer bar; and the top category, so to speak, is free compound, in which you can put everything you want on the bow, such as a sight with a magnifying lens, two stabilizer bars and other elements,” he listed. Regarding the targets, meanwhile, it is important to clarify that 3D volumetric figures with animal shapes are used, 2D figures printed on paper and glued on cardboard and the conventional circular target with different colors.

Considering the number of tournaments held in the country and the different modalities that exist, both Marti and Ochoa recommended that those who want to compete specialize in one modality, knowing that the closest places to participate are about 200 kilometers away from Venado Tuerto, which generates expenses for transportation, fuel and lodging.

Last Sunday, June 9, Arqueros Venadenses organized, with great success, the 1st 2D Social Archery Tournament, which was attended by more than 30 participants from Río Cuarto, Firmat, Colón, Elortondo and Venado Tuerto, among other towns. “It was a 950-meter course in which the landscape offered by Tiro Federal was taken full advantage of, with mountain-like hills, small hills, downward shots and shots with slopes. Each archer shot at 12 targets and after the first round the stakes from which the target is shot were changed. The points obtained are added up and the four best in each modality participated for the gold, silver and bronze medals,” he specified.

Finally, those who wish to participate in the introductory archery courses or want to start practicing or training can contact Diego Ochoa at (3462) 676773 or through social networks Venadenses Archers.

2024-07-03 23:34:47
#Archery #discipline #followers #Venado #Tuerto


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