Asia Pellizzari and Daila Dameno Shine in Olympic Archery with Gold and Bronze Medals

Asia Pellizzari wins gold in W1 with a great performance in the final against Korean Kim Ok Geum 132-123. The Italian starts well and wins the first two sets (26-25 and 27-24), but it is in the third that she closes the accounts taking advantage of the opponent’s 2 and flying to twelve points of advantage with 27-19. In the last two Pellizzari ties 28-28 and loses 27-24 but the medal is now hers.

Victory also for Daila Dameno in the challenge for the bronze with 135-129 against the archer from the Czech Republic Sarka Pultar Musilova 135-129. The Italian won the match with a very solid performance taking home four out of five sets (28-26, 27-25, 24-26, 28-26 and 28-26).

Vincenza Petrilli fails to climb onto the podium, losing the final for the bronze in the Olympic archery against the Greek Dorothea Poimenidou 7-1. The athlete of the National team immediately loses the first set 23-26, then ties in the second 27-27, but fails to fully get back into the game, losing the last two both 26-25.

2024-07-04 11:09:08
#Archery #European #Cup #Pellizzari #Gold #Dameno #Bronze


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