Badminton Club Lieshout: Season Closings for Youth and Seniors a Huge Success

Mon 1 Jul, 16:10 Sports Sports

Lieshout – Badminton Club Lieshout is not only known for its weekly badminton evenings, but also for the side activities that the active association organizes time and again. In connection with the upcoming summer vacation, they recently organized a season closing for the youth and a season closing for the seniors.

The 2023/2024 season is almost over. On July 3, Badminton Club Lieshout will organize the last evening of this season. After this last evening of the season, the sports hall will close for about six weeks and on Wednesday evening, August 21, the athletes will unpack their rackets again and play the first evening of the new 2024/2025 season.

Because of that last evening of play, and therefore the end of the season, the badminton club organized a season closing for both age groups. The youth went to the BillyBird park Hemelrijk in Volkel for this occasion. The youth had a great time in that park. Climbing, swimming, playing. The park offers all the possibilities for the children to be quite physically active: and that is what the participating children did. Almost naturally, the youth were treated to fries afterwards, with a snack, so that the burned calories could be quickly replenished.

The seniors were no less than the youth in this respect. They also moved a lot, albeit with a slightly different intensity. Organisers Hans van den Einden and Diony Janssen first set out a treasure hunt in the village. Via the route, the participants eventually ended up at the jeu-de-boule court next to the village hall, where the participants fought a fierce battle to find out who was the best at ‘throwing the balls’. Via a new walk, the participants eventually ended up in the back garden of the Janssen family on the Molendreef. Along the way, a funny photo shoot moment was chosen in the front garden of the absent chairman, who could not join this time due to other obligations. In the garden of the Janssen family, an attempt was made to replenish the many burned calories as quickly as possible by consuming a well-prepared barbecue.

Offer more
Both youth and seniors can look back on a very successful side activity. The organizations of both events have once again managed to provide something extra for the participants and thus bring the association closer together. Badminton Club Lieshout would like to offer its members more in order to make playing sports at this association even more attractive.

2024-07-01 14:11:13
#season #activities #Badminton #Club #Lieshout


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