Badminton Player’s Tragic Death Highlights the Dangers of Hypokalemia in Summer Exercise

A 17-year-old badminton player from Zhejiang died on the court. The cardiologist said: The symptoms after falling to the ground are very similar to this situation…

Doctors remind: The most feared thing after sweating a lot during summer exercise is hypokalemia

On June 30, at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, 17-year-old Jiaxing-born national badminton player Zhang Zhijie suffered an accident.

According to a statement from the Badminton Asia Confederation and the Indonesian Badminton Association on July 1, local time, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the court during the match on June 30 and was taken to the hospital, where he died at 23:20 local time on June 30. “Zhang Zhijie fainted during the group match against the Japanese team, and the tournament doctor and medical team rescued him. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance in less than two minutes.”

The Badminton Asia Confederation, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the organizing committee expressed deep sorrow and extended their deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie’s parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association. The statement also mentioned that “the world badminton has lost a talented player.”

On July 1, the website of the Chinese Badminton Association published an article expressing deep condolences for the unfortunate death of Chinese athlete Zhang Zhijie on the field. The article stated that Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted on the field during the last match of the group stage of the team competition. The Chinese team leader, coach, team doctor, translator and other medical staff of the organizing committee immediately organized rescue and sent him to the hospital in time. During the time of being sent to the hospital and the rescue in the hospital, the Chinese team leader and other relevant staff stayed with Zhang Zhijie, and the Chinese embassy and consulate in Indonesia also provided full assistance. “We are deeply saddened by the unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie due to a sudden illness while competing in an international arena. We sincerely thank all sectors of society for their concern and help for Zhang Zhijie. We will do our best to provide assistance to Zhang Zhijie’s family and do a good job in all follow-up work.”

As of press time, the local hospital has not yet determined the cause of the disease.

The Foreign Ministry spokesperson responded to questions about this matter

Badminton Asia Federation organized a moment of silence for those present

Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College was expediting the visa application to Indonesia. The Jiaxing Sports Bureau also said that it had assisted the family in handling matters related to going abroad.

According to CCTV, yesterday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning hosted a regular press conference. A reporter asked about the death of 17-year-old Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie after participating in a competition in Indonesia. Mao Ning replied: “We have also heard about this unfortunate news. After learning about the incident, the Chinese Consulate General in Surabaya immediately contacted and coordinated with the Indonesian side to provide full treatment and sent relevant personnel to the scene to carry out work. We express our deep regret and condolences for the unfortunate death of the person concerned, and express our condolences to his family. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to guide the Consulate General in Surabaya to do a good job in follow-up work within the scope of its duties.”

Before the start of the Badminton Asian Youth Championship team competition on July 1, the Badminton Asia Confederation organized all those present to observe a moment of silence for the young Chinese badminton player Zhang Zhijie who unfortunately passed away.

What caused Zhang Zhijie’s death?


The symptoms after falling to the ground are very similar to sudden cardiac death

Chief physician Tang Yimin, deputy director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Zhejiang Hospital, said that based on their hospital’s previous clinical experience, one of the possible causes of exercise-induced cardiac arrest is Adams-Stokes syndrome, also known as cardiogenic cerebral ischemia syndrome. The most prominent manifestation is a severe lack of blood supply to the brain due to a sharp drop in blood supply to the heart. In mild cases, there is only dizziness and impaired consciousness, while in severe cases, there is a complete loss of consciousness, often accompanied by convulsions, incontinence, pale complexion, and then cyanosis.

Tang Yimin said: “Most sudden cardiac deaths are caused by cardiac emergencies that induce malignant arrhythmias and lead to cardiac arrest. Due to excessive sweating during the game, a large amount of electrolytes are lost, and the body’s potassium and sodium ions are taken away, which may cause hypokalemia. Once a myocardial infarction patient is combined with hypokalemia, it is very easy to induce malignant arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, resulting in a sharp decrease in the heart’s blood supply capacity, or even cardiac arrest, which is called cardiac arrest. If rescue is not timely, sudden cardiac death will occur.”

Wang Lihong, chief physician and director of the Department of Cardiology at Zhejiang Provincial People’s Hospital, analyzed that according to the on-site video, Zhang Zhijie’s condition was more like sudden cardiac death. “The sudden death of this young player is really regrettable. Since we don’t know his specific physical condition and whether he had any underlying diseases, we can’t rashly speculate on the cause of sudden cardiac death. According to our previous clinical practice, generally speaking, sudden death during strenuous exercise such as playing badminton and running marathons is usually caused by hypokalemia.”

Wang Lihong explained that during strenuous exercise, a lot of sweating occurs, and as the sweat is discharged, a large amount of electrolytes are lost, leading to low potassium and low magnesium, which in turn causes unstable cardiac electrical activity. At this time, the human sympathetic nerves are already in an extremely excited state, which can easily lead to myocardial ischemia and hypoxia. The combination of various factors can lead to accidents.

There will also be a badminton Olympic champion in 2021

Died suddenly while playing ball

The unfortunate death of young player Zhang Zhijie is a great pity, and such unfortunate incidents are not isolated cases.

In June 2021, Indonesian badminton doubles star Markis Kido died of a heart attack while playing at the age of 36. Kido won the men’s doubles badminton championship at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Not only athletes, Metropolis Express has also previously reported many accidents involving ordinary badminton enthusiasts while playing badminton. In particular, in 2021, four sudden cardiac arrests occurred in Hangzhou on July 10, August 2, August 28, and September 9. Three of them were rescued in time, and another was pronounced dead despite full rescue efforts.

Looking back at these unfortunate events, one thing they have in common is that the accidents all occurred between June and September, which is the summer season.

When the temperature rises, after sweating a lot during exercise

Be sure to replenish electrolytes

Tang Yimin, deputy director of the Department of Cardiology at Zhejiang Hospital, mentioned that more than 80% of sudden deaths are sudden cardiac deaths. According to statistics, there are as many as 550,000 cases of sudden cardiac death in my country each year, ranking first in the world, but the current success rate of rescuing cardiac arrest in my country is less than 1%. The vast majority of patients with sudden cardiac death have heart disease, but there are still some patients who do not show any symptoms, so it is difficult to monitor before the onset of the disease.

After the rainy season, high temperatures are coming. Director Tang reminded that workers who work in high temperatures and people who do various sports should pay special attention to replenishing electrolytes when sweating a lot. The easiest way is to drink electrolyte drinks or salt water. It should also be noted that the initial manifestation of hypokalemia is fatigue, which will be ignored by many people. The course of the disease is a chronic progressive process. During the onset of the disease, potassium ions may be lost every day, and finally cause more serious symptoms. It must be taken seriously.

In addition to replenishing electrolytes in time, when exercising in the summer, you should also remember the following: First, do not exercise when you are sick. If you have a cold or feel unwell, do not insist on exercising; second, if you feel unwell during exercise, especially if your heart feels uncomfortable, you should stop exercising immediately. Third, if you find that your fellow runners suddenly faint, you should pay attention to their heartbeat and breathing as soon as possible. Once cardiac arrest occurs, timely and effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the key to determining the patient’s life or death.

5 patients with acute myocardial infarction were treated in less than a week. The plum rain season is also a high incidence period for cardiovascular diseases.

“In addition, we need to remind everyone that the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases is also closely related to the weather. The plum rain season is hot and rainy. During this period of time every year, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction will also increase.” Wang Lihong introduced that in less than a week, they have received 5 myocardial infarction patients, mainly elderly people, and 4 of them had a history of heart disease.

“The day before yesterday morning, I received a call from an old patient, a male patient in his 60s who had had a stent placed before. His compliance has always been very good, and he has taken medications and had regular checkups, and his physical condition is very stable. He said on the phone that day that the weather has been too hot and humid recently, and he was not feeling well. He did not get a good rest the night before, and he felt chest tightness and shortness of breath when he got up in the morning. I quickly asked him to go to the hospital for a check-up, and the results showed that he did have symptoms of myocardial ischemia, but it was not to the extent of a myocardial infarction. He received oxygen and received corresponding treatment, and went home that day.”

Wang Lihong said that in addition to the physiological discomfort caused by the hot, rainy and low air pressure, the decline in human comfort can also lead to emotional problems, such as anxiety and irritability, and can easily affect sleep. In this case, the excitement of the sympathetic nerves will further aggravate myocardial ischemia. For patients with underlying diseases, the probability of cardiovascular disease will naturally increase. “It is recommended to keep a regular schedule, avoid staying up late and overwork, maintain a calm state of mind, avoid excessive excitement and mental tension; secondly, do not ignore the treatment of related diseases. For example, patients with hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, etc. should take medication on time and must not stop taking medication at will.”

Source: Metropolis Express Author: Reporter Wu Shuang, Zhang Huili, Jin Jing, Mao Di Correspondent Guo Jun, Yang Tao Yu Editor: Chen Junnan

2024-07-02 14:48:00
#17yearold #badminton #player #Zhejiang #died #court #cardiologist #symptoms #falling #ground #similar #situation…


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