Badminton Rosporden reports positive season with growth in numbers and successful events

Badminton Rosporden drew up its season report at its general meeting on Sunday 30 June at the Colette-Besson hall, which was positive from many points of view. This season, the club has indeed seen an increase in its numbers, particularly in the 12-18 age group with an increase of almost 300%. “This is an age group in which we are welcoming more and more players, whose participation is mainly concentrated on the Saturday slot. In total, we have 72 member households, or 121 players, which is very positive,” stressed the president Élodie Nicolas.

Delphine Nicolas, the treasurer, presented the financial report: “Our main source of funding – our members’ contributions – is increasing. Our pricing policy, which sets membership at €40/person + €10 per additional person living in the same household, is undoubtedly responsible for this; these conditions will be renewed in 2024-2025.”

Meetings with other clubs

This season, the club had chosen to organize an interclub meeting per month, an opportunity to cross rackets with the neighboring associations of Scaër and Bannalec, with whom the sessions are well filled. “We have also discovered new clubs like that of Ergué-Gaberic. Our objective of expanding the meeting calendar has therefore been achieved and our efforts will continue next season. Discussions are underway with the Amicale laïque de Quimper,” specified the president.

The latter also mentioned the leisure tournament organized in the spring and which attracted 58 players, compared to 40 last year: “This is a sign that this type of event for the benefit of an association, the Chemins de faire social center this year, is enjoying great success. Our association has always pursued a policy of conviviality between members with, as its main ambition, the accessibility and pleasure of practicing badminton, a unifying sport. The inclusion of all audiences remains a priority, as does fair play and sharing and we will continue to defend it so that everyone continues to find their place,” concluded the president.

2024-07-02 15:46:45
#Rosporden #badminton #club #rise


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