Baoshan’s National Fitness Movement: Grassroots Badminton Tournament in Full Swing

The continuous rain could not stop the enthusiasm of Baoshan’s national fitness movement. Yesterday afternoon, a badminton competition featuring all “grassroots players” kicked off in Luodian Town, Baoshan District.

At 1 o’clock in the afternoon of the same day, the competition kicked off at the Jianfengyun Badminton Hall of the Luodian Town Community Cultural Activity Center. “Grassroots players” living or working in Luodian Town came on stage in batches, fighting against each other and staging one exciting match after another.

Mr. Ouyang participated in the mixed doubles competition. He and his partner participated in the first league this year. As “newbies”, they were eliminated in the first round. After practice and improvement, they made a comeback this time and participated in the second league with a good attitude, and advanced in the first game.

Contestant Mr. Ouyang told reporters: “After the first competition, I felt that I was a little inadequate. The second time I felt that I had improved, so I decided to participate again. As long as I don’t come in last this time, it will be fine.”

Compared with the central urban area and the southern urban area of ​​Baoshan, Luodian Town, located in the northwest of Shanghai, popularized badminton relatively late, and the mass base of badminton is being cultivated. Since it has its own stadium, created its own brand events, and established its own league mechanism, badminton in Luodian Town has developed in full swing.

The person in charge of Jianfeng Yunluo Badminton Hall said: “Many badminton players came to participate after seeing the competitions here. Everyone feels very good about the lighting, flooring and other aspects of the hall.”

It is understood that this grassroots badminton league has developed into a “Four Seasons Song” in Luodian Town, that is, there will be a competition every quarter, thereby increasing the participation opportunities for “grassroots players” and allowing the players to feel their own progress more clearly through daily practice and competitions every quarter.

Original title: Grassroots tournaments are getting more and more popular, badminton in Baoshan is in full swing

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2024-07-02 01:49:31
#Grassroots #tournaments #popular #Badminton #full #swing #Baoshan


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