Botana calls for Vigo to be a hub port due to the high value of the goods it moves |

The president of the Port Authority of Vigo, Carlos Botana, called for Vigo to be recognised as a hub port “due to the high value of the goods it moves and because it is one of the few ports of general interest in Spain that is growing”.

As he stressed in a press conference, “it is essential that the Port of Vigo appears on all European maps as a hub port so that it is given the real importance it has in the Galician economy. I will never give up on this,” he stressed, after recalling that Vigo was excluded by the European Commission from the transport map more than a decade ago, “which has caused tremendous harm to the port, its operators, Vigo and, by extension, to the economy of Galicia. “We know that it is a long process, but we are going to fight to place the Port of Vigo on the maps,” because measuring the importance of a port by the tonnes it moves “is a very old vision,” he said.

In this context, he pointed out that the value of the goods moved in the different terminals of the Port of Vigo in 2023 amounted to 19,388 million euros, which has meant an increase compared to 2022 of 19%, or what is the same, more than 3,000 million euros.

The foreign trade balance of the Port of Vigo, “which demonstrates the importance of our companies”, has also been very positive, with a total surplus of 5,668 million euros of what was loaded over what was unloaded, that is, 2,300 million euros more than the previous year.

Regarding the importance of the Port of Vigo in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, he highlighted that 75% of the value of the goods that entered or left Galicia by sea last year did so through the Port of Vigo, which has meant an increase of +28.5% compared to 2022.

Similarly, the total value of foreign trade at the Port of Vigo (import/export) stood at €16,897M, equivalent to 33.17% of total Galician foreign trade.

2024-07-01 07:23:37
#Botana #calls #Vigo #hub #port #due #high #goods #moves


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