Brassacois Judo Club Holds Successful General Meeting Amidst Busy Season

In a schedule that is always overloaded at the end of the season, the president of the Brassacois Judo club, Joss Buissonnière, managed to find a date for holding the general meeting.

The report by secretary Marie-France Bozetine shows that the club has fluctuated between 43 and 50 members for the past four years, whereas before Covid, it had 73. Louis Bucina presented the activity report. The pre-judo (19 judokas) focuses its practice on fun judo. The junior/junior class has two very specific objectives: the first competitions and technique and grades. As for the adult group, it is intended to be more technical and geared towards preparing for black belts. Moreover, this year, two cadets will line up for the 1st dan black belt events; a candidate will line up to complete her 2nd dan and a judoka will begin his events for the 3rd.

Financially, the club is doing rather well with a positive result for this season.

Finally, the meeting was an opportunity to welcome two new members and to elect the new president, namely Jérôme Marut.

2024-07-05 04:10:54
#president #BrassaclesMines


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