Bronze for Nasti, from Circolo Velico Kaucana, at the Ilca 4 World Championships

The “Ilca 4 Youth World Championships” ended in Viana do Castelo, Portugal, with 430 athletes, divided into 280 boys from 46 nations and 150 girls from 42 nations. The Italian delegation, the largest of all the other countries with 38 athletes in the male category and 17 in the female category, three athletes belong to the Kaucana Sailing Club: Lucrezia Micieli, Gilda Nasti and Gianmarco Livoti.

A long and intense trip, from 22nd to 30th June, for the three Iblean helmsmen accompanied by the coach Giovanni Magliulo, in one of the most beautiful and refined cities in Portugal, a city overlooking the Atlantic with one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. And it is precisely the ocean that has determined, during the long championship, highly variable conditions: from strong winds and long, formed ocean waves to light or even no wind at all. As a result, the race course was very difficult due to the instability of the wind but also the tidal current that characterizes this coast, conditions, however, very similar to those present on the Ragusa coast and therefore well known to Cvk athletes.

With the wind parallel to the coast, the latter found themselves at ease and managed to express their maximum potential without holding back: in the end the results for the Iblean team were not long in coming and the youngest athlete, Gilda Nasti, returns home with the U16 bronze medal, finishing ahead of the 2023 Optimist World Champion, Maria Luisa Silvestri of the Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia. But there is great satisfaction also for Lucrezia Micieli, who showed great character, also finishing a partial test in third position and closing in 35th position. Also worthy of mention is the test of Gianmarco Livoti, who, despite having competed in a large and high-quality male fleet, managed to finish in the top 100 out of 277 athletes.

In short, there is an air of great celebration at Cvk, where president Nunzio Micieli, almost a year after his election, is beginning to take stock of the activity carried out so far and cannot help but say he is satisfied with the path undertaken. “Compliments, obviously, go to the entire team and all the families that are part of it – are the words of coach Giovanni Magliulo – and this result shows that with work, sacrifice and dedication you can go well beyond expectations”. Compliments to the athletes and management of the Circolo Velico Kaucana also came directly from the Italian Sailing Federation, which dedicated a special post for Gilda Nasti’s result on the federal social pages, as well as from the Committee VII Zone Fiv and the Italian Class Association Ilca.

2024-07-04 07:26:25
#Bronze #Nasti #Circolo #Velico #Kaucana #Ilca #World #Championships


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