Caen Firefighters Bring Humor to the Olympics in Hilarious Teaser for July 13 Ball

The Caen firefighters are not short of humor. To announce their July 13 ball this year, they chose to make a maxi-teaser with Jonathan Perrut, on the theme of the Olympic Games, with events that have not yet been approved.

It is at least an original way to announce their July 13 ball. In a maxi-teaser of more than six minutes, the Caen firefighters pass the tests of the regional finals, with a view to accessing the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. But the seven filmed tests have not yet been approved by the Olympic organizing committee.

To shoot this video, Warrant Officer Ludovic Leseigneur, a firefighter at the Folie-Couvrechef barracks, immediately thought of Caen director Jonathan Perrut.

Together, they came up with absurd challenges for their shock team, made up of volunteer and professional firefighters.

Ludovic Leseigneur and Benjamin Hubert, director of the Kino de Caen, play the two presenters who commentate on these events.

“We shot this sequence with the two Patricks in 2h30. Before that, Benjamin and I didn’t know each other, but we make a good pair,” says the professional firefighter.

During filming, everyone got into the game, without really knowing what awaited them.

I didn’t explain everything to the team. I kept some surprises for the shoot, like the sabre and triple bucket events.

Warrant Officer Ludovic Leseigneur, firefighter

The sabre test, revisited by the Caen firefighters • © screenshot of the Multiplex of the regional finals in Caen – production: Jonathan Perrut

We thus discover the saber testwhich has nothing to do with fencing since it consists of sabering the champagne, faster than your opponent.

The 100m hurdles event becomes the “110 m tramway”The people of Caen will recognize their favorite tram.

Another difficult test: that of “triple bucket”. And not a triple jump! Here, it’s not about jumping, but putting out a barbecue fire… with three buckets. A very useful exercise for firefighters.

The “annoying judo Will it soon be at the Olympics? This exclusively female sport, invented by Jonathan Perrut and Ludovic Leseigneur, pits men against each other “annoying” (heavyweight) and Norman judoka Valérie Nguyen. Guess who won?

What surprised me was the commitment and seriousness of my colleagues in all the events.

Warrant Officer Ludovic Leseigneur, firefighter

Director Jonathan Perrut interviews the 500m champion selling calendars • © screenshot of the Multiplex of the regional finals in Caen – production: Jonathan Perrut

Well known in the region for his humor and his short films shot in the city, Jonathan Perrut notably directed LalaCaenthe Caen version of the Hollywood musical, or even the Parcoursup series which created a buzz on social networks.

He likes to film his city and involve the people of Caen.

In this clip with the firefighters, during the “5000 m of calendar sales”passers-by and shopkeepers on Rue Collée spontaneously applauded and encouraged the two firefighter runners who came to sell their calendars.

I like working on a local imagination. I like filming in the City and with the City.

Jonathan Perrut, director

The “mixed solo canoe” event • © screenshot of the Multiplex of the regional finals in Caen – produced by: Jonathan Perrut

The nautical base in front of the Rives de l’Orne also took part in the game by making its canoes available for the event. “mixed solo canoeing”. A sequence that will remain etched in the memories of the firefighters, with this moment when the front of the winning canoe rises, pulled by a Zodiac.

“The visual rendering is much more gag-like than what I had in mind.” explains the director.

Jonathan Perrut has other projects with the people of Caen, including a short film already shot and edited with the supporters of Stade Malherbe, and another major project for the millennium of the birth of Caen in 2027. The director has already been passionate about this period of History, with his film “William, the youth of the Conqueror”released in 2015.

But this clip with the firefighters will remain one of “his craziest stuff”. Two days of filming in the last week of June, four days of editing, and a preview on Tuesday July 2 at the Folie-Couvrechef barracks in front of captivated firefighters.

The director also refused to be paid for this shoot.

I decided to give them this video. I have never seen a firefighter present me with his bill.

Jonathan Perrut, director

With this video, the firefighters hope to reach as many people as possible. The clip has already been viewed more than 20,000 times in 24 hours. Last year, the Folie-Couvrechef barracks welcomed a total of 6,000 people during the evening. So come to the firefighters’ ball, Saturday, July 13 at the Folie-Couvrechef barracks in Caen, starting at 6 p.m. Other surprises are planned.

2024-07-04 16:52:58
#firefighters #parody #Olympics #announce #ball #humorous #video


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