Caroline Lopez: From Teenage Dream to Olympic Archer

In the office of the family home in Cheminot, a little note of few words is displayed. “I want to do the Olympics.” Simple, clear, determined. Between an internship at Insep and her entry into the Pôle France, Caroline Lopez, then 13, had written down this teenage wish on paper. It takes on its full meaning today. The Moselle native is one of the three archers selected for the Games but, for lack of suspense, her parents did not fall out of the closet. Her results had long legitimized her presence in Paris and, in a way, their second daughter was programmed for this Olympic destiny. She had set the tone and her projects are always worth promises. “When she wants, she does,” explains her father.

His sport doesn’t fall from the sky either. Well, yes, a little. It was a colleague, Cupid, who set the scene. His arrows united two hearts at a competition in Montceau-les-Mines. Then Christophe and Christine, archers “of a good regional level”, got married “under a hedge…

2024-07-04 04:00:00
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