Cavendish’s Tour start was a blast

Coffee and wine go hand in hand at this unique farm called La Laja

Agaete Valley, in the north of Gran Canaria, a unique place, with the appearance of a high mountain just a few kilometres from the ocean line, in a microclimate, another, very special and full of nuances that give us places like the Finca de la Laja, a recommended place to stop on any cycling route through the area.

From a higher area we can see the vast expanse of the farm, one of the most unspoilt areas on the island. There are 12 hectares, and half of them are coffee plantations in perfect conditions of humidity and the shade of the orange trees, to be one of the few places in Europe that produces coffee and not only because of that centuries-old tradition, but also because of the conditions we mentioned before.

The artisanal work of the estate remains a priority for the owners, who have been there for 30 years and have previously worked there, and are therefore familiar with the peculiarities of the environment and the product.

Coffee is the star

Famous for its energy-boosting properties, coffee is the most important beverage in the world. The typical Arabica variety is grown here.

From start to finish, every gram of the 4,000 kilos that leave this farm annually is worked in the environment. They have the African drying bed, where they place the red cherries, due to their similarity to the fruit, for 25 days in the sun for perfect drying and perfect preparation for roasting.

Then in A toaster, which looks like a museum piece, but works kilos at a time, the green and dry seeds are poured into the upper part of the machine. The roasting is done in two stages, an initial seven minutes at 180 degrees so that the seed releases moisture and then the temperature drops to 110 degrees for 40 minutes to roast the coffee.

The coffee is natural, without chemicals, and its roast is medium, that is why it has a lighter color with a smooth texture and a light flavor.ideal for appreciating the fruity nuances, offering less caffeine than usual, just enough to make us active, but not keep us awake.

A very special wine

Within the Finca de La Laja, the Bodega de los Berrazales offers a very special variety of wine common to many Canarian wines. We are talking about grapes that survived the phylloxera and that grow in stable temperatures, with plenty of sun and in volcanic soil.

The variety of terrain also offers the possibility of tasting zero-kilometer fruits perfect for a bike stop, with delicacies such as oranges, pomegranates, mangoes, mangos and avocados.

2024-07-02 22:01:08
#Cavendishs #Tour #start #blast


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