Celebrating Success: Rain of Rewards at the Clémentin Judo Club

Saint-Clément. St Clément: Rain of rewards at the Clémentin judo club. with The Judo Club Clémentin awards ceremony took place on Sunday at the Saint-Clément dojo, in front of nearly two hundred people. This moment that closes the season is that of recognizing the work and results of the judokas, young and old, ranging from the young residents of the judo awakening to the seniors. “We are so proud to bring together all those who contribute, each in their own way, to the growth of our club. The 2023-2024 season was extraordinary. We are three hundred and ten members, a record since the club was created in 1981”, savors William Saillard, the happy president of the club, not a little proud either of obtaining the black belt for ten members. Again, something never seen before!

The morning was marked by the presentation of awards (one hundred and twenty new ranks and nearly one hundred and ninety awards), followed by the honoring of twenty-five national and international medalists or selections. Including Sébastien Gouot, the very recent French veteran M5 champion; Mathys Abdelatif, French FFSA champion; Jean-Daniel N’Guyen Van Loc and Nicolas Formaux, French katame no kata champions; and Gianni Georges, 3rd in the French 3rd division championship. For her part, Graziella Bricout, a behind-the-scenes volunteer, received the training and mutual prosperity medal.

2024-07-04 04:26:00
#ten #judokas #record #season


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