China Leads the Way in Generative Artificial Intelligence Innovation

The Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated a revolution across all industriesIn this context, countries are also competing to master this new tool and put it at the service of their needs.

In that sense, China stands as the country that is making the most innovations in this area. According to a UN study, inventors from the Asian country presented the vast majority of patent applications for inventions that use generative AI, with more than 38.000.

China: Leader in Generative AI

The report, produced by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – an agency dependent on the UN – revealed that, out of a total of 54.000 patents registered from 2017 to the present, At least 38,000 patent applications came from the Asian countryThe top 5 applications are completed by; USAcon 6.276; South Koreacon 4.155; Japanwith 3,409; and Indiawhich filed a total of 1,350 patents.

china usa

China and the United States are emerging as the main innovation centers of generative AI.


China’s first position in the ranking is largely explained by the development of their companies. Looking at this category, Tencent, Ping An Insurance, Baidu and the Chinese Academy of Sciences – all located in the Asian giant – lead the list of the most patent requests.

IBMin 5th place, is the first non-chinese firm which appears in the ranking of applications by companies. In the top 10 companies, a total of 6 are of Chinese origin, 2 are American and 2 are South Korean.

An industry in boom

Since the world discovered this technology at the end of 2022, AI seems to be advancing by leaps and bounds. Innovation with this type of tools is visible in the data of the report prepared by WIPO. Of the 54,000 patents filed over the last decade for innovations in generative AI, A quarter of them were filed during 2023.

While applications for the so-called GenAI only represent 6% all AI patents In the world, the number of requirements is growing rapidly. The Director of WIPO, Daren Tangassured that this tool “has become a revolutionary technology“.

For his part, WIPO’s head of patent analysis, Christopher Harrison, said that this industry is in “in full swing“. Not only can this technology bring new industrial and consumer products – such as the well-known chatbots from ChatGPT and Gemini -, it can also contribute to the Design of new molecules for drug development and enable the design and optimization of new products.

Tang concluded that the study gives “an overview of what is happening now, so that we can make slightly more informed assumptions about what will happen in the coming years“. While highlighting the positive, the WIPO director also focused on potential risks and dangers, such as massive job losses or non-compliance with intellectual property: “if GenAI undermines human creativity and prevents a human creator from earning a living“That will be something we really have to pay attention to,” he said.

2024-07-03 13:37:23
#China #leads #ranking #innovation #generative


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