Colombian Journalist Melissa Martínez Faces Humiliation During Copa América Travel

Colombian journalist and presenter Melissa Martínez is currently in the United States during the Copa América soccer tournament.

The ESPN journalist has been sharing details of what she experiences during the competition on her social media, in the different stadiums, and even accompanying the Colombian national team.

But her recent experience was not the best. In fact, she experienced an episode on a plane that had an impact on her.

‘I’ve never been so humiliated’

The journalist works for the sports network ‘ESPN’.




Melissa is at Dallas International Airport and was preparing to take a flight to Colombia, since, as she herself said, she had commitments to fulfill in the country on Thursday. But she was unable to fly as planned.

The journalist briefly recounted in an Instagram story that she was literally taken off the plane and was unable to fly.

“Something happened to me that had never happened to me before in 20 years of traveling. Today I boarded a flight, and they got me off the flight after I had been sitting down,” Melissa began to recount from a hotel at the airport.

“But I’m going to tell you everything that happened tomorrow. I had an experience that tells you where people’s sensitivity is. Because there are more and more hostile people in positions where they should have a vocation for service,” said the journalist, who was affected by what she was experiencing.

“I’ve never been so humiliated. Really, what a bad moment,” Melissa wrote in her post.

The journalist and presenter is expected to share more details on Thursday about what exactly happened on the plane and whether she was finally able to return to the country.


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2024-07-04 04:01:01
#Ive #humiliated


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