Confusion Over Company Names: Vibrator Manufacturer Causes Collapse for Car Manufacturer

A company manufacturing vibrators is collapsing under the weight of interest, it’s all to blame for the confusion with the name of the car manufacturer

2.7.2024 | Petr Miler


Photo: WORLD

If you feel like you’re reading an April Fool’s joke, in all seriousness, we’re not kidding. The Chinese have apparently botched the Euro 2024 ad, and the Germans are bringing companies dealing in quite different goods to the site.

You don’t even have to be a football fan to know that BYD has become the main sponsor of the current Euro 2024. We wrote about it already in January of this year, after it blew a lucrative sponsorship to domestic VW, which was not willing to offer so much money for it. But what did BYD do? Interested in your cars? Perhaps, most certainly, but it created an unprecedented interest in a company manufacturing vibrators.

Yes, we mean the erotic device, which I have never seen a woman use – I have a slight suspicion that it is a product that is bought predominantly by men. But let’s leave that aside, after all, we don’t want to get into any more spicy details. The crucial thing here is that in German stadiums and all TV stations there is a continuous advertisement for the BYD brand or its Build Your Dreams label. But the promotion is conceived rather unhappily, so that it is not clear to many what BYD is.

The subtitle “Well. 1 NEV Maker” only adds fuel to the fire of misunderstanding, because it is not even clear what it is. People have already experienced the abbreviation “EV”, it is an electric vehicle, in English “Electric Vehicle”, but NEV? This is the “New Energy Vehicle”, because BYD is the world number one only when the sales of electric cars and hybrids are added up. So obviously people are looking for what BYD is, and here I get the right answer at However, German Google prefers the domestic domain, which does not belong to the car company. It is owned by the company Build Your Dildo, perhaps there is no need to translate it.

Serious German media such as Focus. Build Your Dildo is said to be overloaded with interest, as evidenced by a message on its website: “Due to numerous inquiries: We are not a sponsor of the European Football Championship in 2024. But we wish all fans many more spectacular moments!” he states in a humorous vein. If this is how the Chinese want to dominate the automotive world, then we wish them the best of luck.

We prefer not to show you images of the products of the German company BYD. But the Chinese BYD basically produces this, in this particular case it is the Dolphin model. Photo: BYD

Source: Focus

Petr Miler

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