Controversy Surrounds College Admission of “Second Generation Star” Wang Yan’s Son

Article source: Posted by Ba Xiaomei on 2024-06-30 16:36:24 – The news is taken from major news media, and the content of the news does not represent the position of this website!

Recently, college entrance examination results have been announced in various places, and the results of the “second generation of stars” in the entertainment industry have also attracted everyone’s attention. It is reported that “Princess Qing” Wang Yan’s son Wang Hongqin has been recommended to Peking University!

It is understood that Wang Yan’s son Wang Hongqin was recommended to Peking University as a basketball student. When his son was young, Wang Yan paid great attention to cultivating his hobbies in sports. Wang Hongqin also said that he liked sports very much, especially ice hockey. Unexpectedly, he also had a talent for basketball when he grew up.

Speaking of Wang Hongqin, the Internet’s memory of him still stays in a parent-child variety show “Mom, Listen to Me” in 2014. At that time, Wang Hongqin was only eight years old, and Wang Yan took her son to participate in the show to experience rural life. At that time, Wang Hongqin’s nickname was “Qiuqiu”, and his performance in the show was hard to describe. He was completely a “dandy” who only knew how to enjoy himself.

When he was angry, he called his mother “pig head” and showed no respect to Wang Yan. He also complained to the camera in public that his mother had no merits other than being beautiful and only spent his father’s money. When Wang Yan taught him a lesson, Qiuqiu was not afraid at all. Instead, he said to the camera “I will beat her” and even said that he would ask his foreign father to “teach” his mother. Wang Yan was so angry about such a rebellious child that she broke down and cried on the show.

Everyone complained about Wang Yan’s education and was not optimistic about Qiuqiu’s future. Unexpectedly, 10 years later, the rebellious child has become a top student at Peking University.

It is reported that Qiuqiu not only has excellent academic performance, but is also a great basketball player. During his high school years, he studied at Beijing No. 4 Middle School and performed well in the school’s basketball team, especially at the “guard” position. In the professional test, Wang Hongqin ranked second and was rated as a first-level basketball player. He is a well-rounded student with moral, intellectual and physical development.

Just when everyone was amazed at Wang Hongqin’s transformation, news came out that his grades were faked and he was not as good as the rumors on the Internet. His basketball performance was very average. According to a public competition result, Wang Hongqin’s performance in the basketball team was very low, and he even scored zero points in all the competitions. This result was difficult to match his status as a “first-level basketball player”, let alone be recommended to Peking University.

In fact, it is not uncommon for students with sports expertise to be recommended for admission. Back then, “Milk Tea Sister” Zhang Zetian was also recommended for admission to Tsinghua University as an aerobics athlete. According to her classmates, Zhang Zetian’s academic performance was only average in the class, and she relied entirely on her academic performance to pass the college entrance examination, which was still a long way from Tsinghua University.

However, with the blessing of the “sports specialty student” status, Zhang Zetian can be recommended to Tsinghua University without taking the college entrance examination. The country also has very clear regulations on “recommended students”, which refers to students who are recommended by certain secondary schools and are exempted from taking the national college entrance examination and directly admitted after being examined and approved by relevant ordinary colleges.

The purpose of “recommended students” is to make up for the unified examination in selecting and increasing or decreasing talents, which is conducive to increasing or decreasing and selecting outstanding students with all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique; it is conducive to promoting the comprehensive implementation of educational policies in secondary and higher education, and encouraging and guiding students’ moral, intellectual and decent development.

But many people took advantage of this policy. Students with sports talents had the least difficulty in passing the “recommended admission” requirements, and many people used this to make up for their deficiencies in academic subjects. There were even some gray industry chains, and many “students with sports talents” were clearly priced.

CCTV News reported that this happened in a middle school in Benxi, Liaoning Province. Among 1,000 senior high school students, there were 87 second-level athletes. Such a high ratio also aroused public suspicion. Later, a student revealed that as long as the parents gave money, they could apply for an athlete certificate. The original meaning of “sports specialty students” has long been lost.

Later, some netizens discovered that Li Xueqin, who has always been called a “talented woman” in the entertainment industry, is a student of this school and attended high school in Benxi. After a closer look, it was discovered that Li Xueqin is also a “second-level athlete” and has a second-level swimming athlete certificate. Could it be that Li Xueqin was able to be admitted to Peking University through the blessing of this identity? Are the so-called “talented women” all scams?

What is even more unexpected is that Li Xueqin once said in a program that she can’t swim. As a second-level athlete, but can’t swim, doesn’t this make her athlete certificate a joke?

After this incident caused controversy, the staff of the sports department of Benxi City responded immediately. They said that through inquiries, it was proved that Li Xueyang (stage name Li Xueqin) did have a second-level athlete certificate and met the qualifications of a second-level athlete. In addition, Li Xueqin’s classmates also issued a statement to clarify that she was admitted to Peking University not because of the sports bonus policy, but through Peking University’s independent enrollment route.

The fan club also issued a statement to support Li Xueqin, saying that there was no sports bonus points in her admission score, and praised her for every achievement that can stand the test of time and facts.

However, Li Xueqin herself has remained silent on the matter so far. The compliance of her “Second Level Swimming Certificate” is still under question, and her image as a “talented woman” has been greatly reduced.

Now let’s talk about Wang Yan’s son. Wang Hongqin’s identity as a “sports specialty student” has also been questioned by netizens. Compared with Li Xueqin’s family background, Wang Hongqin has more powerful capital. His mother Wang Yan is an actress, and his father Wang Zhicai is a big shot in the business world. He also has a half-brother named Wang Shuo, who was once called the “Four Young Masters of Beijing” with Wang Ke, Wang Xiaofei, and Wang Yu.

Wang Zhicai is an Asian Chinese in Australia. The previously popular “Golden Leopard” buffet restaurant is one of his family businesses. Wang Zhicai’s background is even more impressive. He is a descendant of the Qing Dynasty royal family. He owns multiple properties in Beijing and usually lives in the “Wangfu Century” mansion worth hundreds of millions of yuan. He also has a courtyard house, and the Forbidden City is his neighbor. As long as you stand on the balcony, you can see the Forbidden City. Being able to be neighbors with the “Emperor” means that his assets are very strong.

When Wang Yan, 23 years old, married him, she was also called marrying into a wealthy family. The two were 11 years apart in age, and this marriage attracted much attention in the entertainment industry. It is reported that it was teacher Wang Yan who introduced the two to each other. Wang Zhicai fell in love with Wang Yan at first sight, and they registered for marriage after dating for a year. At that time, Wang Yan had just become popular in the entertainment industry, but after getting married, she gave up her career, gave birth to her son “Qiuqiu”, and stayed at home to take care of her husband and children, living a life of a wealthy wife.

It is reported that when Wang Yan gave birth to a son, Wang Zhicai gave her three great gifts at once: a diamond ring, a house, and a Porsche sports car. He also doted on his youngest son. Qiuqiu once revealed on the show: “My father is a big boss. Every time he played hide-and-seek with me, he would hide 20,000 or 30,000 yuan there for me to find.”

The father’s education is so “rich and powerful”, and now he will not be vague about his son’s college admission. Do you think Wang Hongqin’s identity as a “sports specialty student” is suspected of being fake?


2024-06-30 23:39:50
#Wang #Yans #son #Wang #Hongqin #recommended #Peking #University #basketball #skills #aroused #heated #discussion #Wenxue #City


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