Coslada residents denounce an allegedly rigged draw

A public housing draw in the Madrid municipality of Coslada has been reported to the police by participants who believe it was rigged. The draw took place on July 1 and, according to those who attended, was full of irregularities.

Among the irregularities they mention, one is that the ballot box containing the ballots was covered so that its interior could not be seen, and another is that when there were only two ballots left to be drawn, they said they were going to draw the last 10.

To learn more about everything that happened, ‘Everything is a lie’ has connected live with the furious residents of Coslada and their spokesman, Alberto, who was present at the draw, explains to us everything that happened:

”We submitted an application for a youth rental and we arrived here, we saw an opaque ballot box, but we didn’t give it any importance and when we started to see the numbers, to count them, there came a time when the councillor for 28 jumped to 30, she herself said that we were going for 30, I noticed, we warned her, more citizens said the same thing and the councillor said that it could have been a mistake and that it would be resolved at that time.”

”We asked for a recording because it was recorded, it took them more than an hour and a half to return with the recording and when they put the recording on we started to see more cocaine which made us doubt. We see that the notary takes out two and returns one, we can see that the councillor says that only the notary put his hand in, there is a gentleman who also puts his hand in”, Alberto explains in detail.

Regarding What do you want, Alberto has made an appeal on behalf of all those affected: “We want a fair and transparent draw. I understand that people have been left with nothing, but we are not looking for a war, it is not that difficult to do so.”

”We have other complaints, which we have reported. The extraction of the ballots, two or three ballots were taken and the rest were discarded and when the last ten were taken out, they were not taken out in strict order. They did things wrong and so did the notary,” he continued.

The councillor from Coslada appears live on ‘TEM’

Following accusations from neighbours, the councillor for housing at the Coslada City Council, Macarena Orosa, has gone live in ‘Everything is a lie’ to defend themselves against those who claim that the draw was rigged.

“That bag is totally clean and totally legal and we are going to continue with what is planned to come out. We have a notarial act that says that the act began and ended with a series of errors that were corrected at that very moment, so that act is totally clean and legal,” he explains.

The councillor from Coslada appears live on ‘TEM’


2024-07-05 15:28:54
#Coslada #residents #denounce #allegedly #rigged #draw


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