Cristiano Ronaldo: Two kinds of love

Hardly any other sportsman polarizes as much as Portugal’s ageing superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. But that has much more to do with us than with him.

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Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the greatest footballers of all time, is portrayed in an anecdote as extremely disciplined and ambitious, but also as a person with a tragic past. His hard training and self-control have made him one of the most successful goalscorers, although he is often criticized for his vanity and self-centeredness. Nevertheless, everyone respects him, even if he is not as popular as his rival Messi. Ronaldo has made football more professional and influences everyone who plays with him to be more committed and disciplined.


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CR7 kisses the ball before his penalty © Torsten Silz/​dpa

There is an anecdote about Cristiano Ronaldo that is passed down from athlete to athlete in a bizarre game of Chinese whispers and breathed out with reverence. It may be true, it may be made up, but it has definitely become a myth. After Real Madrid’s legendary tenth Champions League title, “La Décima”, he is said to have asked a teammate during the celebrations if he could try a sip of his Coca-Cola. When asked why he didn’t order one for himself, he replied that a sip was enough to celebrate the success. This was the biggest transgression of his rigorous discipline that Ronaldo allowed himself that evening.


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