DIETARY RECIPES APPLIED TO SPORTS – Technical sports magazine Sport Training

Human Nutrition and Dietetics students from the University of Alicante publish an e-book with recipes to optimize the physical performance of athletes

Cinnamon Rolls, Protein Choco Cheesecake, Sweet Potato Donuts, Wild Flan, Gelatiproten and Protein Pop Cake, all these names correspond to recipes that are “simple, delicious and adapted to the needs of athletes”, which are part of the electronic book (Ebook) Recipe book applied to sport (vol. 2)recently published by fourth-year students of the degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Alicante.

“Sports nutrition is a fascinating and constantly evolving field. We know that the food we eat has a direct impact on our metabolism, endurance, recovery and ability to overcome physical challenges. This is precisely where this recipe book becomes a valuable tool,” says dietician and nutritionist Bárbara Sánchez in the book’s prologue, who highlights that in it “you can find macronutrient recommendations to prepare for your training and competitions, covering your needs before, during and after sports practice. In addition, the recipes you will find in these pages are not only delicious, but are also designed to optimize your physical performance along with the use of top-quality sports supplements.”

José Miguel Martínez is one of the professors who, together with Mónica Castillo, both teachers of the subject Sports Diet Planning, has coordinated and supervised this second volume, which is part of the practices in which students must materialize their culinary skills and, in this course, develop a recipe adapted to the sports context through the use of sports foods and supplements. “This type of work provides skills to work with athletes at an individual and collective level. It is also a very useful tool for nutritionists and dieticians,” says Martínez, while announcing that next year students will work on the creation of volume 3, which will be dedicated to recovery shakes. The previous volume, volume I, focused on recipes in whose preparation sports supplements were not used, as in this case.

The authors of this second volume are, in addition to the two aforementioned professors, Marielisa Gabriela Belisario Ubeto (Faculty of Health Sciences of the UA), Rubén Jiménez Alfageme (University of Vitoria-Gasteiz), David Romero García (Faculty of of Health) and Jaime Sebastiá Rico (University Clinic of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Physiotherapy and Lluís Alcanyís Foundation-University of Valencia).


2024-07-02 07:09:55
#DIETARY #RECIPES #APPLIED #SPORTS #Technical #sports #magazine #Sport #Training


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