Diving Ducks Dominate Game One, Blue Bats Strike Back in Game Two: A Recap of the Doubleheader

Game one of the doubleheader was supposed to be a show of power by the reigning champions. Eoghan McGarry kicked off the landslide victory in the second inning. He scored after a double by Felix Astner. In the third inning, McGarry delivered a great hit that brought Moritz Scheicher and Melvin Perdue home. Julian Faulhaber followed up with his run-batted-in to make it 4-0.

In the fifth inning, Perdue and Faulhaber scored after a single by Alessandro Zoufal, before he himself scored a run batted in. In the sixth inning, Moritz Scheicher and Perdue extended the Diving Ducks’ lead. In the seventh and final inning, Astner scored to make it 10-0 after the mercy rule. McGarry played a major role in the Ducks’ victory, delivering a brilliant performance with a one-hitter on the mound and pitching a complete game.

Schwechat strikes back in game two

Unfazed by the landslide victory, the Blue Bats began the second game with a bang. Trujillo Silva Livan scored first after a double by Phillipp Brenner, then Brenner himself made it 2-0 in the first inning – the Ducks had no answer. In the second inning, Felix Scheiber scored first, then Triujillo Silva – 4-0 for the guests. In the third inning, the Ducks also perked up. Max Dylan Tracey scored after a single by Melvin Perdue, then Moritz Scheicher scored.

In the fifth inning, the Blue Bats’ most impressive action of the Sunday afternoon followed. Michael Varga hit the ball hard and hit it over the fence – home run. But the Schwechaters weren’t satisfied yet: Felix Scheiber scored, then a rare action followed: Phillip Brenner scored after a “stolen base”.

In the ninth inning, Michael Varga put the finishing touches to an impeccable offensive performance by the Blue Bats after a single by Sascha Kotbra. Moritz Scheichers’ double helped Florian Amon and Tracey get on the scoresheet, but the game was over.

The Diving Ducks will continue their campaign this Thursday (7.30 p.m.) with a home game against the Vienna Wanderers.

2024-07-04 03:04:26
#Baseball #Wiener #Neustadts #gala #Schwechat #struck


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