Dominic Thiem Sidelined in Olympic Tennis Wildcard Selection

Dominic Thiem’s hopes of a wildcard for the Olympic tennis tournament in Paris have not been fulfilled.

As expected, the two wildcards for former Grand Slam and Olympic champions in the men’s competition went to two-time British Olympic champion Andy Murray and Swiss Stan Wawrinka.

This is evident from the official entry list published by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) on Thursday.

Ofner and Grabher only Austro representatives

The clay court tournament from July 27 to August 4 in Roland Garros should have been one of the last highlights in Thiem’s ​​career. The former US Open winner has announced that he will end his career at the end of the season.

The decision in favour of Murray and Wawrinka was made due to their higher number of Olympic and Grand Slam titles.

This means that Austria is only represented in the Olympic tennis tournament by Sebastian Ofner and Julia Grabher.

The best moments in Dominic Thiem’s ​​career

2024-07-04 11:34:31
#Olympic #dream #shattered #Thiem #receive #Paris #wildcard


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