Elderly man killed by carer, a fight over nothing – News

A fight over nothing, and an unstoppable fury. This is how he died, beaten by his carer and ending up with a blow to the head with a mobile phone, an 82 year old man, Fernando Monte, found yesterday in his house in Castrignano dei Greci by his daughter who had just returned from the sea.

The alleged perpetrator of the murder, Josan Victor, a 36-year-old Moldovan caregiver, was interrogated all night and was taken into custody: he confessed. The tragedy, according to the reconstruction made by the carabinieri who intervened on the scene yesterday after the alarm was raised by the victim’s daughter, apparently occurred at lunchtime. An argument broke out between the two over trivial reasons, perhaps because the elderly man was interested in the messages the man was sending on his cell phone, and the man exploded in a murderous rage. He allegedly punched him, hitting him several times and leaving bruises all over his body.

He then allegedly hit him in the head with his cell phone, leaving a deep wound. The elderly man was found by his daughter, who lives upstairs and who had come to visit him on her way back from the beach, lying on the floor in a pool of blood, with other obvious signs of the beatings he had suffered. The carer, however, was outside the house, naked and in an apparent state of shock. The investigators coordinated by the prosecutor Luigi Mastroniani immediately focused their suspicions on him. Given his state of confusion, the man was taken to the hospital and interrogated during the night. He confessed, reconstructing what had happened. From what we understand, the man had been caring for the elderly man at home for almost two years. Yesterday morning had gone by normally. The carer, as he usually did every day, had accompanied the elderly man in his wheelchair to the Lecce club located near the house. The two had stopped at the tobacconist, where the elderly man had bought a pack of cigarettes to give to the 36-year-old. Then the tragedy at lunchtime. In the elderly man’s home, the carabinieri found and seized blood-soaked clothes and the caregiver’s smartphone. The magistrate ordered an autopsy on the victim’s body, which will be performed at the Vito Fazzi hospital in Lecce, where the body was transferred.

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2024-07-01 14:59:00
#Elderly #man #killed #carer #fight #News


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