Ellwangen Children’s Festival: Fun and Games at Wagnershof

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    The city runs at Wagnershof were well received by the approximately 700 participants of the children’s festival.⋌ © Achim Klemm

    Crossbow moose shooting or baseball: The big Ellwangen children’s festival attracts around 700 participants to the Wagnershof. What the program offered.

    Ellwangen. There was plenty of fun, games and action at the traditional children’s festival at Wagnershof on Friday afternoon. A total of 30 game stations awaited the kids. There was also the popular moose shooting and of course the city runs, which were a real hit.

    The children’s festival has lost none of its appeal. A total of around 700 participants were counted this year, who were able to let off steam to their heart’s content on the large grounds of the Wagnerhof.

    The event was organized by the city, the youth center (JuZe), the Ellwangen Riflemen’s Guild and the TSV Ellwangen in joint cooperation – and they provided a great program.

    Through the sights and front sights: Crossbow moose shooting required accuracy. Photo: AK © Achim Klemm

    Mayor Michael Dambacher opened the children’s festival in beautiful summer weather early in the afternoon. Things got going straight away. Each child received a game station checklist. Once it was completely filled out and stamped, the boys and girls were rewarded with vouchers for food and drink. They were also able to practice baseball, basketball and volleyball. Students in the fifth and sixth grades were able to try their hand at crossbow moose shooting.

    The DRK youth showed the children how first aid works using a teddy bear. Photo: AK © Achim Klemm

    There were three city runs on offer this year. The route led from Wagnershof towards Neunheim, to the water tower. Then it was back to the start and finish point. Some of the participants arrived at Wagnershof completely out of breath. “That was really great, but also pretty exhausting,” beamed nine-year-old Dion Gashi from Ellwangen. “I’ll be there again next year, that’s for sure.”

    The boys and girls gave their all in the city races and some of them completely exhausted themselves. © Achim Klemm

    Who won the city races

    The results: The first city run (born 2016 and younger) was won by Leon Bäuerle in the boys’ category and Rosalie Winkler in the girls’ category. The winners of the second city run (born 2014 and 2015) were Niklas Gloning and Mara Fallenbüchel. The third city run (born 2012 and 2013) was won by Noah Schwung and Nina Wildermuth.

    2024-07-05 15:28:56
    #City #runs #hit #Ellwangen #Childrens #Festival


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