EM 2024: Potatoes on the 1: Wirtz also becomes a Ballermann star

First Niclas Füllkrug, now Florian Wirtz: A now iconic saying by the national player becomes a Ballermann hit. It’s about a typical German potato dish.

Shortly before the European Championship quarter-final against Spain, national player Florian Wirtz, 21 years old, is getting his own Ballermann hit. Party singer Julian Sommer (“Dicht im Flieger”) has released the song “Normale Kartoffel auf die #1” – a tribute to a now legendary saying by the midfield star.

Months ago, he had to rank potato varieties according to his personal preference in a DFB video on Tiktok. After a short consideration, Wirtz decided: “Normal potatoes… I’d even say number 1.” The video became a viral hit, and singer Julian Benz also announced a party song for this Friday.

Julian Sommer hopes for humor from Florian Wirtz

“Florian Wirtz is the future of the German national team! A young and talented player who has now become a social media meme thanks to a Tiktok. I hope he also sees the song as a joke,” Sommer told DPA.Toni_Kroos 18.56

Almost at the same time, Ballermann colleague Julian Benz (“King of Malle”) released a similar potato song and even used the original excerpts from the Wirtz video.

Füllkrug song “amusing and funny”

National team colleague Niclas Füllkrug also already has his own party hit. In “Füllkrug” by Aditotoro and Paulomuc it says: “Füllkrug with beer, we’ll be king of Europe.” The Borussia Dortmund striker finds the song “amusing and funny.” It makes him “a little proud too.”


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