Empathetic Coaches and Future Development: Highlights from the XXIV Ourense Provincial Basketball Clinic

The XXIV edition of the Ourense Provincial Basketball Clinic It is already history after the last day on Sunday morning where Ana Montañana y Jota Cuspinera They put the epilogue with two presentations as far as track work is concerned. Then, the president of the Galician Federation, Julio Bernandezwas the one who closed the event with a brief act of recognition for the work carried out and for further strengthening the Clinic for future editions.

The last two presentations were from two of the more empathetic technicians with those attending the Clinic and who most clearly expressed their ideas on the track. Ana Mountain opened the day, before beginning his journey with the Great Britain women’s teamexplaining the Importance of the inside game in today’s basketball in the attacking game when it comes to generating and making quick transitions from capturing defensive rebounds, without forgetting the importance of the position in which they receive the ball in attack when it comes to generating and their ease in scoring. All of this with several exercises that are easy for the attendees to understand.

For its part, Jota Cuspinera finished his participation in the Clinic, after his presentation the day before with the pick and roll as the protagonist of the same, with a presentation based on attacking situations for outside players. An aspect of the game in which, for the Madrid coach, the key in each attack is to generate the widest possible spaces, free up those spaces in each situation and then the player is the one who knows how to read each situation of the game and of the rival defense to make the best possible decision, since in his opinion it should be the outside player himself who does it and not pigeonhole everything to a certain tactic. And as happened on Saturday, it was once again one of the presentations where the attendees were seen taking the most notes and the most extensive in terms of the interaction of questions to the speaker.

Closing ceremony by Julio Bernárdez

The closing of the Clínic was carried out by the president of the Galician Federation, Julio Bernardez, who highlighted his entity’s commitment to the recovery of training courses for coaches “with emblematic clinics such as this one from the Provincial Council of Ourense, which will continue to recover for the next edition, with more time, the level of editions of yesteryear.” And he also wanted to highlight the support of the Ourense Provincial Council: “The work of Carlos Colinas and his entire staff as well as the quality of the speakers.” Finally, he highlighted what it meant for him to return to this Clinic and to a facility like Paco Paz: “It’s a situation that makes me feel younger for all the memories it brings back and in a facility that is more than 30 years old that is still very worthy of all kinds of events and where everything turns out perfectly thanks to the work of the professionals at the facility and José Domarco.”

2024-07-01 00:57:29
#Ourense #basketball #Clínic


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