Empowering Youth Through Sports: Training Workshops in Huelva Province

Some 2,500 young people have participated in the different training workshops organised by the Sports Service of the Provincial Council of Huelva, which have been taking place throughout the 23/24 school year. The participants, belonging to primary and secondary schools in both the capital of Huelva and the province, have taken part in workshops related to chess, athletics, archery, judo, paddle tennis, mountain races and orienteering, both during school hours and after school hours.

The workshop with the largest number of participants was the ‘Las Ajemates’ programme. A total of 1,235 primary school students from schools in the province with less than 5,000 inhabitants participated. This project, developed in collaboration with the Andalusian Chess Federation, has as its main objective the teaching of the basic concepts of chess in order to apply them in calculation and reasoning activities.

The workshops were attended by 14 educational centres from different municipalities in the province:

For their part, a total of 778 boys and girls from twelve educational centres in the province have practised athletics and archery during the school year through the sports promotion workshop of the Sports service of the Provincial Council of Huelva in collaboration with the Education and Sports delegation of the Junta de Andalucía, the educational centres, as well as the Curtius Athletics Club and the Asirio Archery Club. The participating centres have been CEIP Quinto Centenario, CEIP Andalucía, CEIP San Fernando, CDP Cristo Sacerdote, CEIP Doce de Octubre, CEIP Arias Montano, CEIP Al-Ándalus, CEIP Onuba. CEIP José Oliva, CEIP Aurora Moreno, CEIP Virgen del Pilar and CEIP Miguel Cervantes.

Aged between 10 and 12, the children have participated in various activities related to athletics and archery, promoting the values ​​of sport, improving health and prevention, as well as fostering equality and attention to diversity.

Around 200 young people from the CEIP Pura Domínguez in Aljaraque and the CEIP Hermanos Arellano in Galaroza participated in the judo training workshops, while 52 students participated in the only badminton workshop, held at the CPR Tresfuentes in Alájar, and 27 young people participated in the two paddle tennis workshops, held in Berrocal and Alájar.

Furthermore, and taking into account the boom that mountain races in the natural environment have had in recent years, the Provincial Council of Huelva has organised a total of five training workshops with the participation of 140 primary and secondary school students. Specifically, workshops have been held in La Nava, Santa Ana la Real, Calañas, El Campillo and Villanueva de los Castillejos.

The aim is to promote mountain racing by holding these workshops throughout the province lasting a maximum of two hours, during after-school hours, and with the participation of boys and girls aged between 7 and 18 years.

As regards the orienteering training workshops, these have been held in Los Marines, Fuenteheridos, Aracena, San Silvestre de Guzmán and Galaroza, with the participation of 67 young people. The training offered to start this activity is very similar for both children and adults, although for children a type of learning more adapted to their language, pace and understanding is offered. Orienteering is a family sport and it is common to see families competing together in promotion categories or each member at their respective level in competitions.

2024-07-05 10:24:28
#primary #secondary #school #students #participated #Provincial #Councils #Sports #training #workshops


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