Ennese Archers Compete in First FITAST-FITARCO National Championship of Historical Archery

First FITAST-FITARCO National Championship of historical archery in Todi, for the archers of the Compagnia Arcieri del Castello di Enna. The XIV edition of the Arcus Tuder Tournament, this year officially opened the Championship with the participation of over two hundred archers, coming from all over Italy. The Ennese team captained by President Gaetano Campisi competed with the best Italian Archers. The Ennese team did not win medals, but the overall performance of the archers was good culminating with the eighth place of Sonia Perpignano in the category historical bow foggia madonne. The team was also composed of Riccardo Messina and Paolo Primofrutto. “Overall a satisfactory performance” underlines Gaetano Campisi, “considering that there were Archers of great caliber present, a test that will be useful for us in view of the start of the FITAST -FITARCO Regional Championship of historical archery”.

2024-04-30 07:00:00
#Historical #Archery #Good #performance #Castle #Archers #Italian #Championship #Todi


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