Euro-2024/Legislative: “the French team is a unifying pole”, according to the president of the FFF

QUESTION: Several players from the French team have clearly stated their opinions, some calling for a blockade of the National Rally. What is the FFF’s position on these statements?

ANSWER: “I have always said that I guarantee freedom of expression to players. Everyone should be happy that these players in their twenties feel concerned by what is happening in our country. There are no disagreements with the players. Simply, they are players and I am the president of a federation. I have other obligations, I must respect the statutes which prohibit talking about politics or religion. The federation has a public service mission, I have 2,400,000 members, with a diversity of opinions in our clubs. As an institution, I must respect neutrality. Who would understand within our clubs, within our football, if I gave voting instructions?”

Q: How do you view the prospect of possibly working with a government led by the far right?

A: “I am respectful of the institutions of the Republic, of democracy, of our motto +Liberty, equality, fraternity+ and of what constitutes the essence of sport, of the values ​​carried by sport, of unity, of solidarity. The yellow lines not to be crossed, for me, are those of respect for the fundamental values ​​of our country, those of sport and the rule of law. If these fundamental values ​​were to be mistreated, at that time, in my role, I would be led, depending on the circumstances, to speak out to protect my institution and the people who play football.”

Q: Can the FFF remain neutral when there is, for example, a questioning of dual nationality, a subject which concerns many players of the French team?

A: “I don’t want to comment on these issues of dual nationality. I’ll tell you one thing. I heard Ibrahima Konaté’s statement, who recalled his parents’ journey, who spoke about diversity. And when I saw him before the warm-up against Belgium, I congratulated him. I recognize myself in his words, since I myself have parents who have experienced that journey.”

Q: In this politically tense context, with a country torn apart, can the French team maintain its unifying power?

A: “The DNA of the French team is to be a gathering place for the French, whatever their skin color, their origin, their religion, their political beliefs. When I see the record number of supporters who come to Germany to support the French team, when I watch the audiences for the match against Belgium, I tell myself that the French recognize themselves in this team. These French people of all origins mean that the French team is still a unifying center in our country.”

Q: What do you think of the Blues’ journey?

A: “First of all, I remember the qualification. The French team is still among the eight best nations in Europe. Then, I saw a very solid team that, I believe, inspires respect in many of our opponents. And then I saw, like everyone else, a form of offensive deficit. So that created some frustrations among observers or among certain fans. I am very happy that the French team is in the quarter-finals. They will play a great match on Friday against a great nation, Portugal. And I hope that fate will be in our favor again.”

Q: Do you understand the criticism of the Blues’ restrictive play?

A: “I find them a bit excessive. I have confidence in this team which has extremely significant offensive potential. And I tell myself that at some point, with the players we have, something will click and we will succeed in scoring those goals which we have been lacking a bit up until now.”

Q: You had set the semi-finals as a goal for Les Bleus. Would an elimination in the quarter-finals be a failure and could it call into question Didier Deschamps’ future?

A: “Quite honestly, I don’t see myself in that perspective at all. The French team and the Federation are a team in the broad sense. We entered a tournament, we showed ambitions and everyone is committed to this objective, with an experienced staff and a coach who has one of the finest records in world football. We’ll see what the final result will be. We’ll have plenty of time to think about the consequences of the result we get.”

Q: Could there be consequences depending on the result obtained on Friday?

A: “I’ve said it ten times, Didier Deschamps has a contract until 2026. He has just qualified once again in a major tournament for a quarter-final. Why do you want us to ask ourselves other questions than to support him so that he can take this team even further in the tournament?”


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